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  1. F

    What famous woman would you want to fatten?

    she was hot before but WOW she is hot as a fat girl! she's amazing!
  2. F


    velvet you can sit on my lap anytime you wish, I'm not a bodybuilder (just average) but I can take more than a few seconds of you or any bbw...it feels so great because like with anything involving bbw/ssbbw I get to feel how sexy a bbw looks....sounds weird but it is true!
  3. F

    People over 350 lbs eat free

    and if they snicker or chortle or otherwise be rude to my bbws and ssbbws...we can just eat them as appetizers...
  4. F

    Urisi Yatsura ??

    a fatter, bigger Lum...
  5. F

    Wow! Jessica Simpson's new curves..

    the thing is she's really not that big at all, not even close. I think she's a lot cuter with a little extra to round her out than as a too skinny girl, she's a naturally curvy gal. But to call her "fat" is a joke. I mean, really. the thing is she's kinda short so I think when she even...
  6. F

    Long time no pix!

    so many wonderful media appearances and some wonderful photos..LOVED the democrats one it shows off your belly nicely...and the shots of you in yellow are stunning!
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    do any women like getting squashed?

    I was watching the NBC show life, which stars among other people, Sarah Shahi, an attractive (albeit slim) woman. Anyway in last week's episode while taking down a (large, 300lb) suspect, he accidentally lands on top of her and she's suddenly squashed/smothered by his large body. I was...
  8. F

    Who I'd rather see in gold...

    So it seems model Kate Moss has been made into a gold statue... http://tinyurl.com/3to2gf I would much rather see the many gorgeous women here at dimensions have gold statues made of them instead!
  9. F

    Interesting info About Kim Kardashian

    For some reason I thought it was a "real" size 27....oh well...
  10. F

    Interesting info About Kim Kardashian

    I didnt know where to post this since I usually don't post stuff like this but it seemed interesting so...moderators please move it if it don't belong here. anyway... although I tend to like bbws best, I've always liked looking at Kim Kardashian because of that nice shelf butt she has...
  11. F

    An old gem...

    It is not always easy to find old tv shows these days as many haven't made it to dvd or even vhs necessarily. I'll check this out when I get home, it looks interesting. it'd be fun to see a remake with real bbw or something...I can think of many lovely ladies I'd like to see pampered and fed ;-)
  12. F

    Little girl 'too ugly' to take part in Olympic showpiece

    this story is just another confirmation of why they truly suck so bad. China's autocratic regime is trying to control everyone and everything, with typical results. They broadcast them so late here anyway, it is a big bunch of nothing as far as I'm concerned. Usually I dig watching some...
  13. F

    Marin County, San Francisco Skinniest

    When I moved back here after a short stint in LA the one thing I noticed immediately was that if you ditch your car, as I did, riding on MUNI and walking does make an impact. Esp. if you live like in Russian Hill or North Beach or one of the hillier neighborhoods, you get a good workout.
  14. F

    Japanese SSBBW Cutie

    I love how nice and round she is, she can roll on top of me and squash me any time with that big well fed belly!
  15. F

    420 Friendly ;)-~~~~

    I just love how happy you look in all your pics and vids as you get fatter and fatter...I think your belly outweighs most skinny chicks I see around town....which is awesome! big women are so much more exciting and sexy anyway...but you literally "take the cake" hehe ;-)
  16. F

    Avida Makes Usa Release!!!

    hey everyone: I rented this via Netflix and saw it yesterday. It is definitely a surreal film, one of those kinds of films that's more like a painting that's being done by real people than it is your standard Hollywood film. Velvet plays against her glamorous active self in the role of...
  17. F

    new pixxxx

    I love how nice and round your cute belly is getting...you're getting so nice and plump! the more of you to admire the better!
  18. F

    Heavy Debt Part 4 & 5 - by JP (SSBBW, Sci-Fi, Force-Feeding, ~XWG)

    i like how you built up the tension and emotion as she's wheeled in, first embarrassed but then her hunger kicks in and the sound actually scares the other contestants, as if she'd eat THEM if she didn't get fed fast enough or something. very cool!
  19. F

    Before and After

    what a cutie! love your smile and your expanding figure!
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    Author: FA's Make Me Want To Be Thin

    I have to say, I was really surprised by the article...I read her bar reviews in the Weekly which are really fun to read...but I had no idea she had the surgery or that she was once 360 lbs. I think she's a neat person no matter what, and she's very attractive at any size. I see her point...