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  1. F


    excellent work...she's very pretty....she has a cute round belly....your photos really show off how hot she is!
  2. F

    I need your thoughts on HOT bodies.....

    everyone who knows me knows I tend to prefer curvier women....I like curvy women of all sizes from pleasantly plump to much much larger....my friends have had to listen to me explain why I find a woman who's say, 300 lbs or more a totally hot babe, while my friends are like "whaaa?" but for me...
  3. F


    When I saw the site was down I figured it was some sort of techincal malfunction...but reading this is like reading a horror story from real life! I'm so sorry this happened to you and the site, I maintain a couple of sites myself and even though I back up and all, still wonder sometimes what...
  4. F

    Fat is where its at...FINALLY!

    velvet you know how much I love it when I see you triumph like this....that picture of yours is to die for....I just wish I could visit you in Paris and show you just how much I think you're the greatest! -your #1 fan in San Fran
  5. F

    Peggy Plumps Up on MAD MEN!

    it's an interesting idea for a show, if only because they have not played around with the social roles of the era to fit 21st century PC....men are in charge, women are treated like objects, etc. and so on. most interesting woman for me so far has been the red haired chick with the nice...
  6. F

    what happened?

    that must have been it, since now everything is 'back"....I think I had my idiot hat on while online...doH!
  7. F

    what happened?

    I can't see these boards at the main board page anymore, and can't seem to find any of the stories either...was following a few of 'em as they posted new chapters...what happened?
  8. F

    Looking for a story - cannibals

    I'm sure if you emailed the author they'd easily change the ending...seriously...I love how they fattened her up and made her in to a big lazy bbw with healthy "appetites"...i'd happily volunteer serving both ;-) there is another story but I don't remember it very well where a woman is...
  9. F

    Looking for a story - cannibals

    here's a few, I admit I find some of these kinds of stories fun to read if only because they usually fatten someone up quite nicely.... http://geocities.com/dvourer/stories.html
  10. F

    The Weight Board - is it a safe haven or...?

    well duh, despite all the descriptions of said board, the fact is this place is no "safe haven" for the things it professes to discuss, has been that way for literally over 10 years....you're just realizing it now? too bad because thre are many ways this fantasy can be fine for a lot of folks...
  11. F


    velvet if you ever decide you want to sit your big sexy self on my lap, please do, and just know that I will love it, no matter how long you wanna sit there! i won't mind! -your friend in S. F. ;-)
  12. F

    BUST bust MONIQUE monique BIG CUTIE big cutie

    comcast in each city is a bit different (why I have no idea) but in the city of san francisco it is on digital cable channel 165. It is also on the OnDemand channel so you can watch it whenever you like. it's great, velvet rocks as always!
  13. F

    BUST bust MONIQUE monique BIG CUTIE big cutie

    hey velvet saw you on the tv here on comcast cable in San Francisco...not only did they repeat it all weekend, they put it on OnDemand, so people can just go to their cable TV, and watch the program whenever they want! you looked fabulous of course and the seen at your home was...
  14. F

    Belly 2 Belly of Leah and Mary Ann!

    the only thing better than seeing these two would be to be between their nice round bellies being lovingly squashed to death! :)
  15. F

    Eating competions

    looks like she is eager to challenge americans http://www.japanprobe.com/?p=2214 frankly I'd love to see some of the big sexy babes we have here out-eat her....or maybe eat her too haha
  16. F

    Eating competions

    I saw a youtube video where she tried to match Elvis's daily caloric intake of 15,000 calories a day...and she did. She's 5'4" and 95 lbs...and she loves eating too...apparently also loves mayo and takes it everywhere she goes...why she's not a bbw is beyond me...
  17. F

    I'm taking the leap!

    one only has to look at the experiences of Famous Internet Gainers (who I shall not name as doing so risks a flaming for doing so) and realize, yeah that's a good idea!
  18. F

    I'm taking the leap!

    nice! sounds like ample pear shapes run in the family! hopefully as you fatten up you'll develop into one too! go on a cruise and you are sure to gain weight...just avoid the gym and eat all they offer, they'll have to roll you off the boat.
  19. F

    holy moly! 5'4" 95 lbs Japanese girl can EAT...

    wow that is really impressive! personally I'd just love to see this 5'4" japanese babe up next to one of your 5'4" ish bbws and see the difference in size...heck I bet some of us could eat her for dinner and have room for dessert... j/k
  20. F

    holy moly! 5'4" 95 lbs Japanese girl can EAT...

    has anyone see this gal??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natsuko_%22Gal%22_Sone holy moly! I think it's time we had some of our hot American gals challenge this woman to a contest! I mean, come on! (ok I'm kidding around but still..)