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  1. F

    Colleen Camp on ENTOURAGE!!

    she looked great....it was fun to watch that's for sure....
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    Gorgeous Amazon Defeats Wimpy Stick-Girl (Youtube)

    she is "Amazon Amanda" and she's really hot. over 6' tall, 380 lbs or so give or take, and very shapely...and VERY strong. I love it when she overpowers these cute little skinny chicks....that one in the video is so small and thin, I think one of amanda's thighs is bigger around that she is...
  3. F

    eat in one sitting

    I have a friend who is a bbw, maybe even ssbbw (she is over 300 lbs) and has a nice big belly. we were out at dinner one night at a japanese restaurant where we'd had some miso soup and were looking at the menu. She indicated she was "really hungry" and I asked jokingly how much she needed to...
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    "Heroes" hidden bbw?

    From Pulp Fiction, when Jules said he was a "Mushroom Cloud Laying MotherF*cker"
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    "Heroes" hidden bbw?

    I'd just gotten used to nicknaming her shapeshifter, saw the new info, and yet failed and caused calamity by not changing her nickname. Ted Sprague's was "MCLMF" Figure that one out.
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    "Heroes" hidden bbw?

    Up until a few weeks ago we never saw her "create illusions" just change her appearance. I guess some people take their comics and tv shows more seriously than I do, I had no idea I'd committed SUCH a human rights violation. Better call in the UN or something and fix this situation, stat! :P
  7. F

    "Heroes" hidden bbw?

    hey gang not sure if this is the right place to post, but I thought I'd give it a try...dunno how many of you are fans of the NBC series "Heroes" but I am...anyway they have one character, a woman, who is a shape shifter who can bend light to make people see her as she wants them to see her...
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    Your skinniest and fattest pics

    you are gorgeous at all sizes but I just LOVE how nice and big and round your belly is now!
  9. F

    Salon'sBroadsheet:"Chubby child, future hoochie?"

    ding dong, you're wrong the billboards are done by the state of California, in an attempt to control diabetes in kids. the TV ads are pretty explicit about this. and please, let's not engage in broad stereotypes of areas based on stuff we heard on the radio. I would never stereotype anyone...
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    skinny girl to crush

    check out "Happiness of the katukaris" a Japanese film, where a fat sumo goes away for the weekend with his lean, young Japanese girlfriend and they later find him passed out, and later dead. They think that the young woman has left but they later find her under him, smothered to death. you...
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    A Plumper Nigella?

    to be honest i have no idea since it's been ages since I saw her old show. compared, of course to the loud and really un-sexy Rachel Ray she's a godsend...although I adore Giada too, even though she's a thin gal... either way ms. nigella is quite well endowed. She also has such nice fair...
  12. F

    A Plumper Nigella?

    I caught Nigella Lawson on TV at random the other day..hadn't seen her on Tv in a while...it seemed like she was much plumper than I recall...an incredible set of full hips and a larger chest...I've always adored this woman and love the fact she loves to eat...and glad to see it's enhancing her...
  13. F

    Ding Ding Ding ... Let's Get It ON!!!!

    fat girls rock, we all know that, but skinny girls have their uses too...they make great appetizers since they taste great and are less filling....
  14. F

    What's your cute weight gain fantasy?

    I'm a fan of "accidental" weight gain as a result of saying "hasta la vista" to the diet and seeing a plump cute woman gain serendipitously as a result of her newfound sense of fun. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to "accidentally" fatten up myself at the same time, and we both end up...
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    Velvet Rocks Paris Fashion

  16. F

    Velvet Rocks Paris Fashion

    Hey Everyone: I wanted to post a link to something that may be of interest....it seems Velvet got a chance to rock the fashion world at Jean Paul Gaultier's 30th annual fashion show! Check out this link! http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2006/10/03/europe/EU_GEN_France_Fashion.php In...
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    Laura's First BBW Anime Artwork 2

    excuse me but this is on me, not her. I saw the picture, clicked through to her lovely gallery, and clicked back to here and posted a response, not realizing that I might be crossing a line. That's my fault, not hers, and I apologize for not simply sending my remarks in a private email to the...
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    Laura's First BBW Anime Artwork 2

    this is really really good. I checked out your site and you're very talented!!!! how much for a custom commission? I'd love to have an anime-style version of myself for my biz cards!
  19. F

    Pinoy Dream Academy Weight-gain contest

    if you watch tv from the phillipines much of it is entirely in english, and the rest is a mix of tagalog and english. the US took the Phillipines as a territory after the Spanish American War of 1898. It did not receive independence until after WWII on July 4, 1946. English is an official...
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    Love and Rockets Help (Comic Book)

    i'm not at home so I can't check right now. But I know what you refer to. I think I have the original comic but not the trade paperback version. It's one where she's having a dream sequence in some sort of weird outfit. I haven't read it in ages.