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  1. steadydecline

    Foods you will NEVER try.

    I've eaten a variety of strange faire in my day (I lived in Thailand for a while...), but my "never eating again" foods are a little...normal. Ranch dressing (I've seen too many people put it on EVERYTHING, and it makes me sick). Those butter cookies that come in a round tin during X-Mas...
  2. steadydecline

    Eating healthy vs. the budget

    Disagree completely. I am broke as can be. While I do occasionally splurge on cheap junk food (ramen noodles ftw), I am able to eat quite well, even on a salary as...disappointing...as mine. However, I live alone, which means cooking for one most of the time (unless someone drops by, or a...
  3. steadydecline

    Movie Watcher's Baker's Dozen - Part 2!

    NEXT CATEGORY; Movies Featuring real or imaginary Little People/Dwarves etc..... 1. Darby O'Gill and the Little People. 2. Time Bandits 3. Willow 4. The Wizard Of Oz 5. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 6. Living in Oblivion - Best little person scene in a movie, ever. 7...
  4. steadydecline

    Movie Watcher's Baker's Dozen - Part 2!

    NEXT CATEGORY; Movies Featuring real or imaginary Little People/Dwarves etc..... 1. Darby O'Gill and the Little People. 2. Time Bandits.
  5. steadydecline

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Well, my mistake. I guess people do read this! Thank you both. :)
  6. steadydecline

    Foodee News Flash!

    ...my life is now complete. :smitten:
  7. steadydecline

    Movie Watcher's Baker's Dozen - Part 2!

    NEXT CATEGORY; What is the worst movie that you have ever seen that you would never see again? Please. post the title, year made and the leading role. 1. The Wicker Man (2006) - Nicholas Cage (Way beneath his ability!) 2. Journey To The Center Of The Earth (2008) - Brendan Fraser (Worst...
  8. steadydecline

    Change A Letter - 4 Letters: Part 2

    Blow = Blot.
  9. steadydecline

    Which part(s) of your body would/do you like to see FATTEN up the most?

    I want a fatter face. Round faces are just so cute. And I never seem to gain weight there.
  10. steadydecline

    Discontinued foods

    I don't know if they've stopped making it, or they just don't sell it here, or I keep missing it, but damn it, I've only had a McRib once and I want another one! Also, I remember that they used to make combination spaghetti-os and ravioli. Ravioli-os, I think they were called. The other...
  11. steadydecline

    Whats Your Cupcake Flavor?

    Love yellow cupcakes. They're kinda boring to most, but they're my favorites. But then...I like anything with sprinkles. xP
  12. steadydecline

    What and who is a BBW?

    Point taken. Though, BBW is a term that can't really be used for everyone. Not every big woman can be beautiful, just like not every thin woman is beautiful, etc, etc. There are a lot of factors that go into that (self-perception, as well as, yes, how other people view you). Don't get me...
  13. steadydecline

    Change A Letter - 4 Letters: Part 2

    Leap = Peel.
  14. steadydecline

    What and who is a BBW?

    I don't like the term BBW, because I don't really like calling myself "beautiful". The term "fat girl" works fine for me.
  15. steadydecline

    BBWs: Would being able to be picked up by your SO be a turn on for you?

    My boyfriend does it to me all the time. Granted, he's a few inches taller than I, and about 100 lbs heavier, but I still worry that he's going to hurt himself. So, is there a thrill? Well, yes. It's sort of like being on a rollercoaster. It's a little fun, but you're terrified at the same...
  16. steadydecline

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Pretty sure nobody reads this anymore, but since I am new, I figured I should post. n___n Name: Erica. Age: 18. Location: Michigan, US. Profession: Slacker. Music: Broadway, classical, oldies, blues, punk, rockabilly, ska, etc. Likes: Music (playing, writing, etc), reading...