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  1. A

    Fat Public Humiliation = Sexual Attraction

    I suppose I would see it, in the case of the audience, as good ol' schadenfreude. People, for some reason, like watching the misfortune and suffering of others so of course some will deride some pleasure (be it sexual or otherwise) from watching others be humiliated, broken, and miserable...
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    FA Relationships

    It's really a personal thing really... Some people out there can manage with their weight gain fetish in the fantasy side and some people can't. Some can live perfectly fulfilling relationships without feederism while many others feel empty without their feederism kink fulfilled. It's a...
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    Taboo USA: Extreme obesity

    Wasn't too thrilled of it.... I disliked the assumption that EVERY feedee/feeder relationship goes to the god damn extremes when in fact extremes are the rare case and ofcourse some of the people on it just made me :doh:. But yea...preferred MBFF over this
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    The Effective Use of New Weightloss Technologies on Fat Activism

    For some reason I don't think it would have much of an effect really. I mean what's so damn revolutionary about treating "fat people" as simply people? But I just see SA/FA more of a "people are people and deserve basic decency regardless of their weight", type of thing. I may be...
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    I am a Jerk and lost my love.

    I'm not going to be too judgemental as I don't know your entire scenario inside and out (obviously) but I will say this. If it's a scenario where you were left because someone simply discovered your weight gain kink, don't sweat it. How many people are loved inside and out? How many have...
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    Secret Gainer

    secretly gaining is definitely not as bad as secretly feeding. The reason being a secret feeder is so bad is due to its manipulative nature and the fact that it's not your body. Gaining requires no real manipulation and it's your body so go ham! That being said, it is a rather good idea...
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    FA Guilt

    @amidsttundra I think that's more feeder guilt as opposed to just strictly FA guilt. The fact that you explained that you "kept enabling her to eat" and the fact that a lot of your turn on was based on feeding and stuffing makes me think that's more of the case as opposed to just strictly...
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    Are feeders bad people?

    Depends. The most common would be when it's based on mutual consent (just like any other fetish) but I'm a tad bit stricter than that. I usually hold the "no conversion" rule for myself. Basically, I will never ever try and "convert" someone to this fetish. If someone does not have this...
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    Are feeders bad people?

    Mainstream media mainly... The general narrative that mainstream media tends to portray about feederism when they feel like having a "sideshow freak day" is that it is a manipulative and abusive man (specifically men) who mess with a poor fat girl with self-esteem issues or a desire to please...
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    Did you come out?

    Yea...I'm out of the FEEDER closet, so it kinda goes without saying that I'm out of the FA closet as well... Needless to say, it was one of those moments when everyone in the group was basically talking about their fetishes.
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    How fickle are you?

    It's always been kinda confusing for me. There are some people (very rare) who I am instantly attracted to but I have this tendency of ignoring them due to nervousness and various other mental discrepancies (I argue with myself over certain hangups) I don't usually see them as very important...
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    FA are sexist?

    It's not really an unusual thing, it's something that's incredibly common in modern society. Different characteristics are regarded as being "feminine" and other characteristics as "masculine" because of this, certain qualities are seen as being desirable for men and others for women. Such...
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    Gaining for love

    Relax, I'm used to forums where there is plenty of vitriol being thrown around and debating with tons of cussing is common, you're not picking on me XD. When it comes right down to it, I just want it to be something that is mutually enjoyed and is not something that someone does to please...
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    Gaining for love

    Oh I'm going after what I want when I'm ready but I'm not going to have someone sacrifice their body for my fetish, I'm not fond of that. I was basically answering your question of "Do you think that's wrong?" I generally disagree with it but at the same time it's her choice so *shrug*...
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    Gaining for love

    I'd disagree with both of these positions. It's the individual's body, it's their choice. I don't think you should change your body to please someone elses fetish but some people will willing do that to themselves. I say this, yet I'm a feeder. The idea that someone else would...
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    Gaining for love

    Yea, I'm vehemently opposed to the whole notion. Either you gain for yourself or not at all. It is your property do to it what you want, not want someone else wants or to please someone else.
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    confused about wg & health

    I could have sworn that there was a saying concerning this.... It was something along the lines of, "If I wanted to marry a fat girl,I would just marry a fat girl." Basically, explain to her that you chose her for her and that if you were really interested in someone who was fat, you'd...
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    What's the problem? :S

    You'll find it more positively on feederism based sites than simply sites for people who are attracted to fat people. Even then, some feederism sites are just god damn terrible due to the amount of pathetic fappers and sexually frustated lonely recluses found on them. ANYWAYS... When it...
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    Course on "Obesity Economics"

    It's basically a game of averages really... You could have a bunch of people who have absolutely nothing wrong with them and you could have a certain amount of people who die very early. The ones which die early bring the average down to something lower than normal. So even if it's not all...
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    big bellies

    There's a minor issue (actually more than a minor issue) with that though and one of these is the commonality of such things like pregnancy fetishes and such. Arguably not only does a big belly might mean menopause or pregnant but it might also mean good provider (as you rightly pointed out)...