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    Course on "Obesity Economics"

    It's not supposed to be a feel good message really, it's supposed to counter the "we should get rid of fat people because of costs to the state" argument. Which is what it counters, that's the point.
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    big bellies

    Ehhh, I'd have to say it's less to do with people liking that their fat and more to do with fashion trends. Low riding jeans are in so the fashion is worn by plenty of girls regardless of size. I'd also wager it's more a case that chubby is seen as "acceptable fat" and so you're bound to...
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    Girl's jealous of BBW's

    I must admit, while I'm a guy I've had that type of thought/frustration come across me before so it's really quite easily explainable. You see, many assume society to be very shallow and that because we see skinny as the ideal that there is a natural "pecking order" as to how everything goes...
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    Course on "Obesity Economics"

    And now with a single link I counter that age old argument... BAM! New York Times Basically, a study found that obesity is apparently a middle cost. It's not as cheap as smokers but not as expensive as normal people. Oh and the shocker here is that since normal people apparently...
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    An open letter to my fellow admirers

    I suppose I should be the harsh one then... Honestly and with all do respect, fuck what your parents think. There's no point living your life in order to please someone else. You can never please everyone and the only one who's living your life is you. Since you're the only one living...
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    Whats happend to Dimensions? Where have all the feeder, feedees and FAs gone?

    Just from what I've observed but... There seems to be abit of a move towards Tumblr (yes really) as opposed to the forums. From what I've heard some were not pleased with the way how FF was gradually moving away from being a site about feederism and more into a fat-friendly site. That...
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    One would think it would be hard to find a quality feeder (and one who isn't in another continent or state). That being said, have you considered The Feedist List? Yea it's a tad new but it could be good (assuming it grows abit). ---- Just another random thought but...Do people...
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    Fat women's 'bad' bits.

    I would have thought we'd been over this before.... It goes back to the saying, "Different Strokes for different Folks." Different individuals have preferences for different things, this includes the "bad bits". Because of this,there isn't really such a thing as "bad bits" since there...
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    FA Myths Thread #13

    I just figured I'd quote this part because I take issue with this. I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not but I'd figure I'd comment either way. Oi, Not all closet cases are assholes, I think you have the two groups of closet cases mixed up. There are those who are closetted and...
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    weight loss and salvation

    It's very much a "religious" thing. Basically, being fat has become a moral issue over a health issue. The idea is that being fat means that someone "must" be lazy and glutonous. So, if someone is fat to the mainstream it's seen as being morally bankrupt and sinful (as gluttony and sloth...
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    I am disgusted

    Actually, this is one of those occasions where Deliman is right. Here's the actual bill... Link. If you will please note the bolded it says that this section does not cover an intentional or grossly negligent act or omission. So relax... It only prevents lawsuits if it was on...
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    LDS Church's Posthumous Baptisms - Bad for Romney?

    And now the fun begins... While it is true that these posthumous Baptisms have been occurring in the Mormon Church what people find particularly interesting is that Romney's dead father-in-law who was supposedly an avowed and committed atheist was also posthumously baptised. Here's the record
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    Anti-obesity ads stigmatize children

    The "war" should never have been about obesity, it should be about healthy living. Unfortunately, they don't try and mention your chlorestorol level, heart rate, blood pressure. respiratory rate,etc when some people say "healthy". They just mention "you're fat therefore unhealthy" I...
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    Can telling a girl your an fa work adversly to her self esteem?

    Seems like she's thinking that you only like her for her fat. You need to at least prove to her that you like her, FOR HER. That will probably include supporting her on her weight loss and being there for her in tough times. If she still thinks that you only like her for her fat...
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    Double Standards

    Not much of a double standard really. You see, as mentioned previously by others, people can't hide being fat. They can't hide being fat and in general they will be discriminated against it because society places a value on fat. If they're fat, they're considered to be "lazy," "gluttonous,"...
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    Sugar regulations?

    I'd agree with a sugar tax. The article mentions creating a mininimum age for buying sugar and honestly, I think that idea is rediculous. But taxing sugar? I believe that is perfectly fine.
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    FA Hate, how do you deal?

    This may just be me being me but that really just sounds like an outlyer if anything. I don't have much experience when it comes to how other guys treat FAs (because I frankly don't consider a persons sexuality to be anybody elses business) but as a guy who has seen/experienced how other guys...
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    undecided about gaining

    My point is pretty simple, you should not have to change yourself to please your wife. Do what you think you will enjoy and what you think will be most beneficial to you. I honestly do not believe you should ever be doing something like this to please someone else it should be for...
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    Has Gaining Gone Too Far?

    People do alot of things that we might disagree with. The whole point of the matter is that they can and it's their choice, even if you think that their choice is self-destructive.
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    Divided Self: Help Appreciated

    Something you have to understand is the difference between what I call personal and social morality. social morality/ethics refers to practices which you see as good and bad for society. Personal morality/ethics refers to practices which are usually considered good and bad for yourself. A...