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    can a fa be not physcially attracted to his girlfriend or wife

    Okay, so I thought this was something completely different so...I'm going to comment on both subjects. Yes, it is possible to be turned on by a women and have either some parts of her personnality or some of her interests turn you off. Not everyone you meet is going to be perfect and there...
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    What's Weird About You?

    Pretty simple. Lucid dreaming (but apparently plenty of others have that) and the fact that I'm an occultist, so yea... I'm weird. Basically, I read into a variety of religions which are not so main stream and a variety of magical practices and different related philosophies as well as the...
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    "I get Hitler": Danish director Lars von Trier shocks Cannes

    This calls for more.... Thank you Der Spiegel. Here's an interview of him on his comments. Der Spiegel Interview That being said, words mean little. They always have. Actions speak louder.
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    What's your weirdest fetish?

    Weirdest. Yes, it's pretty weird and not very nice. It is..... me being raped by a woman I know, quite terrible.
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    POLL: do your parents approve or disapprove?

    Know? Nobody knows in my family and frankly I'm fine with that. Hell, my mom even gave me the "gay talk" (that's what I call it) because I don't express any preference AT ALL around my family so there's a heavy assumption that I'm gay (I'M NOT). That being said, I wouldn't really think it's...
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    We're Not Broke -- Check This Out

    I'd agree with removing the cut and possibly raising the medicare tax but I would also have to stress reform of it too. I mean, it has a huge cost to it and if reform (be it reform for more affordable medication through the patent system or others) can actually go through then PERHAPS it can...
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    We're Not Broke -- Check This Out

    Unfortunately, as I live above the United States, their policy directly affects our Country and our livelyhood so their concerns are apart of our concern. As far as what would be the logical thing to do we may consider a mix of both policies. Perhaps one of the things which I would...
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    What being an FA means to you

    It pretty much means, I like fat chicks. Other than that, it means it is even harder for me to relate to people. Being a bit of an odd ball it's very difficult to relate to some people except for a very few other people. Because of this, it means that it's even harder for me to relate...
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    FA Middle Class

    Seeing as how we're on the subject, I'll chime in. Perhaps it is just my cynicism but I honestly think it is because people still believe FAism is some weird, perverse, or otherwise morphed view of attraction. People don't believe that a super hot guy is an FA because being an FA is...
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    Why men are preferring video games to women

    Okay, there seems to be a misunderstanding here as what you're mentioning was not what I was supporting. I am not suggesting that by agitating for her rights in the public or private sphere she would be destroying the sacred bond of the family what I am suggesting is that women AND Men should...
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    Why men are preferring video games to women

    I must say, I have read both the original article and the two suggested by Joswitch and I honestly agree with the first article, to a point. When it comes to relationships I do believe that many of the new items of the 21st century have made relationships with women not as fufilling as they...
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    Was George Bush so bad?

    Nope, doesn't stop me from hating Bush's policies it's just kicking the dead horse that the new boss is pretty much the same as the old boss. Ofcourse that article only really applies to the people who tend to invest in a president and follow the *lovely* Left-Right back and forth.
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    Been asked a million times, but I need advice :(

    Don't talk to the internet about this, talk about it with your wife. Be supportive but don't let that stop you from telling her she lookes smashing as is. If she loses weight,again be supportive BUT if it starts to affect your relationship sexually (and that starts to turn into a problem)...
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    Calling all Youngsters!

    As young as I can get for this site. 18 livin in the North (not the North, North just the you know, North). That being said, been lurking here since I was about 16 so yea.....
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    Ron Paul supports Defense of Marriage Act

    Hmm interesting... By the sounds of it, he's going on about the idea of the Federal government forcing its concept on the states. As per the usual of Ron Paul, this tends to fall under the concept of States Rights. The federal government cannot interfere in what the states decide in...
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    Have you ever been bribed to lose weight?

    Was never really bribed to lose weight just had the semi nagging mother as a kid and I always told her "But I never get sick, I'm healthy" even though she would always stress weight. I had that and some "lovely" friends who used to push it on me (physically). Needless to say, I lost weight and...
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    What book are you reading right now?

    Currently reading an online version of Gerald Gardner's Witchcraft Today. So hard to get an original copy as the book was written in 1954 and was only reprinted in 2004 for the 50th anniversary. Interesting book to say the least. Although Gardner's history seems abit off of modern day...
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    Which Political Party are you really? (link)

    Bah, I did it, was a pretty disappointing political quiz honestly. 50% economic agreement with the dnc and 50% personal agreement with the Green Party. 35% with Green Overall 38% agreement with the dnc and 30% with DNC Shrugs* Honestly, I prefer the Political Compas so much more to...
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    FA/FFA Roll Call - de-lurk and/or introduce yourself here!

    Name: Azrael (not really) Age: 18 Location: Ontario, Canada Profession: Student Music: little bit of everything includes Skapunk, symphonic metal, metal, folk metal, classical, gothic, hard rock, alternative, power metal, and rock. Likes: Religion, The Occult, Conspiracy Theories...