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  1. shirmack

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    Your eyes are so freaking hawt.... Grrrr
  2. shirmack

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    Is your real name campbells.... Cause you are mmmm mmmmm Good lmao
  3. shirmack

    One More Drink

    Shit homie... You had me at Drink :P
  4. shirmack

    Hey guys, do you ever feel expectation to eat more?

    I am just bitchy cause I wasted all my money on things other than food So I get to be hungry till the 1st Yay 9 more days till payday and a proper meal.... Fat kids cannot live on top ramen alone... My coworkers are like dude do you ever eat? In the interim I am surviving on Rockstars :P...
  5. shirmack

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    You def qualify as cute... Photo quality is dick... But your very ununattractive (plz note the provocative use of double negatives) xD
  6. shirmack

    Girls That Like Big Guys Post Pics And Any Comments Here

    Hole.... I meant what I said If you were my own mother lol... I would still bang you like a screen door in a storm :P
  7. shirmack

    List your top 5 sexiest BHM/FFA members of this forum

    Lmao I had to rep you for this... This made my day... Your sarcasm and wit rang loud and clear... Lmao I still think your being a bit picky... I mean no violent acts come on.... LMAO :P
  8. shirmack

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    Amen brother.... Sing the good word :P
  9. shirmack

    Attached or looking?

    Single and not really looking.. I just got out of a long drawn out fucked up relationship, with biggest liar/ fake human being I have ever met in my entire life... kind of a very weird story lol... Hit me up on aim if you are curious i have not problem bitching bout it for hours ( ask our...
  10. shirmack

    List your top 5 sexiest BHM/FFA members of this forum

    Amen sister amen
  11. shirmack

    Where are the Skinny FFAs at?

    Lol right here boo
  12. shirmack

    Post pictures of monkeys

    Here is my on again off again ex when she was super skinny... she kinda looks like a monkey :P
  13. shirmack

    XKCD makes my week!

  14. shirmack

    Amateur porn club! 8--->

    Indeed I have posted outside this thread.... I used to have a different screen name once upon a time... I don't remember what it was but infact I posted quite a bit.. Did't go over well... So I am not talking purely through my hat
  15. shirmack

    cutesy names for your big guy

    Yeah you didnt come off didactic to me and to save others the trouble I did it for ya didactic One entry found. Main Entry: di·dac·tic Pronunciation: \dī-ˈdak-tik, də-\ Function: adjective Etymology: Greek didaktikos, from didaskein to teach Date: 1658...
  16. shirmack


    amazing pic.... Welcome to the boards
  17. shirmack

    cutesy names for your big guy

    Awww I feel like a loser for my faceless body pix now.... I kinda like being objectified though... ya I know I am sick....:(
  18. shirmack

    List your top 5 sexiest BHM/FFA members of this forum

    Amen to that Brother :P
  19. shirmack

    List your top 5 sexiest BHM/FFA members of this forum

    Lol somehow this post was hot to me prob because I like it when skinny girls get chubby I am a Freak I know :wubu:
  20. shirmack

    Gq Xxxl

    I am a strict vagintarian but you good sir are a pretty man :P Thanks for the post