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  1. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    I wasn't alive in 1990. Also I'm 20 and I've never been behind the wheel of a car. :( *cry* I don't know...I'm always busy whenever I'm supposed to be working on learning to drive. I've piloted a boat! Does that count? lol
  2. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Finding a wide range of sizes attractive?

    Ha, I've been using that for a while. Or maybe it should be pansizual?!
  3. ~KawaiiFFA~


    I haven't been here that long, but I've seen your posts when I stalk old threads. So...hi! :D
  4. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    Haha, "babby." A lot of my friends are older too. And I can't legally drink either...one more year!
  5. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    :eek: It's a baby! Get off the internets, youngin' this is no place for you! ;)
  6. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Weird Snacks

    I tried Ketchup on my Mac and Cheese after seeing this...it wasn't bad! Thanks. I eat ramen all the time. (It's classic college cuisine.) I also drain the water and add hot-dogs and hot sauce along with the flavor packet. (It works best with beef.) And I forgot to mention: I drink the...
  7. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Finding a wide range of sizes attractive?

    I can be attracted to all kinds of people. (Men, women, non-binary folks, etc.) To me things like race, weight, or gender are irrelevant in the end...an attractive person is an attractive person. That said, there are certain things that always initially catch my eye. I might find all types of...
  8. ~KawaiiFFA~

    What are you happy about today?

    That is so cute/cool! :D
  9. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Oops, sorry. (Wait...I'm just contributing to the problem, lol.) But yes...MOAR PIX.
  10. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    That makes me think of Elementary school. I looked it up...the song came out in 2003, so I was in 5th/6th grade. Jeez, it was that long ago? I listened to a lot of music in high school that didn't actually come out when I was in high school or that wasn't popular. (At least in America.) Class...
  11. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    I don't know where you're goooooing... and I don't know why- But listen to your heeea-rrtt, before you tell him gooodbyyyee. (And suddenly I'm in 9th grade again, listening to this on repeat and crying like an emo little bitch.)
  12. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    Whoa, intense. There's a storm in your eyes... Pretty badass facial hair too.
  13. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    Gonna assume that's a good thing?! xD :wubu:
  14. ~KawaiiFFA~

    BHM/FFAs Introduce yourself here

    I follow that blog, lol. Also, I used to love drawing and painting, but have neglecting these hobbies as of late. I guess I've focused all my artsy-fartsy passion into writing as of late. If you are a visual artist, post some of your work and we'll judge whether it's bad or not. :D (Actually...
  15. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    Listen to your heart...
  16. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    I thought it was a neat collage. :) But yes, there was something slightly disconcerting about seeing you photo-chopped into bits like that. Handsome anyway. You also have really nice blue eyes.
  17. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Feeders who get fat

    Yeah, I'm about 135 right now and pretty content with that. Honestly, I like being the weight I am now, which is pretty much average. (Not really thin, not really big.) I find fat people beautiful, I'd just prefer to stick to the size I am now since it's what I'm used to. I had gainer fantasies...
  18. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Happy Birthday MrBob

    HERPEH BURFDEH BERB. *Happy Birthday air guitar solo*
  19. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    Dude...."nekkid" was not to be taken literally. :eek:
  20. ~KawaiiFFA~

    FFAs have higher than average sex drives...

    I am going to move back early just so people can stop saying that. Then I will be the single, lone FFA in the entire Golden State and everyone will pay to come gawk at me as I sit on my computer. "There she is," the announcer witll whisper. "The only girl in Callu-forr-ny-ay who likes fat...