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  1. ~KawaiiFFA~

    The Official Thread For Really Bad Advice

    Always be a smarmy snot and stick your tongue out at other forum goers. This is an easy way to acquire rep and integrate yourself into the community. :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
  2. ~KawaiiFFA~

    The Official Thread For Really Bad Advice

    I'm bi-gender, so thanks. (See my post in the GLBTQ thread.) Well THAT didn't go as expected. :p
  3. ~KawaiiFFA~

    What are you happy about today?

    NOTHING. :( :( :( :( *dramatic cello music plays as I shiver in my worn coat and walk slowly towards the dimmed horizon, trees trembling in the winter wind as a dog whimpers faintly in the distance* Seriously though, I'm happy that FINALS ARE ALMOST OVER and I'll get to return to Los...
  4. ~KawaiiFFA~

    The Official Thread For Really Bad Advice

    Ha! Although honestly, I encounter far worse spray-tans on the East Coast, particularly in Jersey and Long Island. There is a certain breed of long nailed, Ugg-boots and leggings clad, orange beasts with ratty hair extensions that you will only find in these two places. During high school in...
  5. ~KawaiiFFA~

    The Official Thread For Really Bad Advice

    I'm from Los Angeles and I have (tiny) natural boobs. I'm also not blonde and my pants are a reasonable size 4/6. I don't live there now (though I spend part of the year there and I'm moving back after college,) but I swear that FFAs exist in SoCal! P.S. I know you're (sort of) kidding...
  6. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    Lovely eyes. :) And you must have naturally nice hair then! I have to comb through my bird's nest for half an hour to tame the frizz, lol.
  7. ~KawaiiFFA~

    The Root Beer Thread

    I drink this stuff like water. It's actually not bad in a float either. I personally love sarsaparilla as well. And of course, pretty much all Stewart's beverages are delicious.
  8. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Have you ever felt both guilty and turned on? (My dilemma)

    Oh no... He was considering joining, but if he sees this post I'm pretty sure he'll just go "NOPE, I'M OUT" and run all the way across the internet to safety. What have I done?! :doh:
  9. ~KawaiiFFA~

    R A N D OM Awesomeness

    That was pretty amusing. And yeah, I was annoyed when I realized the "chat" button at the top didn't work. I've used tinychat before, it's aight.
  10. ~KawaiiFFA~

    FFAs have higher than average sex drives...

    I will have to check them out! :happy:
  11. ~KawaiiFFA~

    R A N D OM Awesomeness

    Me, in a nutshell.
  12. ~KawaiiFFA~

    FFAs have higher than average sex drives...

    Thanks for your encouragement. :) And yeah...living in a dorm doesn't really lend itself to much cooking. Ramen, Canned Soup, Peanut Butter, and Frozen Dinners......what champions are made of.
  13. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Have you ever felt both guilty and turned on? (My dilemma)

    LOL, I'll try to get on it. I just have to convince "the moobs" to comply, which might be a bit of a challenge.
  14. ~KawaiiFFA~

    FFAs have higher than average sex drives...

    Sad true confessions right here: I can't really cook worth a damn. D: I mean, I've never really tried because I've never had to. My dad is a chef, so I was one of those kids who grew up eating great while my dad threw me out of the kitchen to "leave it to the professionals." My grandma was an...
  15. ~KawaiiFFA~

    FFAs have higher than average sex drives...

    Haha, true. I recall being at a buffet in Disneyworld a few years back with my family and ogling this guy who was wolfing down humongous plates from the time I walked in 'til after I left. My family was just sitting there enjoying their meal and I felt incredibly awkward as I did my best not to...
  16. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Gentlemen, Post An Awesome Pic Of Yourselves

    That's a pretty bad-ass stache. If I had one I would just twirl it maniacally and cackle all day.
  17. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Have you ever felt both guilty and turned on? (My dilemma)

    That story made ME feel conflicted. ENDLESS CYCLE OF GUILT. lol
  18. ~KawaiiFFA~

    FFAs have higher than average sex drives...

    Definitely true with me, but I think that's due to having slightly higher than average testosterone levels as well as disorders like Bipolar and Borderline that can cause extremely elevated sex drives. Not sure we're going to be able to prove anything here, but it would be interesting to hear...