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  1. ~KawaiiFFA~

    What's pissing you off today?

    One word: Finals.
  2. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    Hi there! :) Sorry if this sounds weird, but I have the urge to hug you. I don't know if it's your smile or what...you just look really nice/friendly! Also: Oh my God! A person I know of from T.V. and the internet but have never actually spoken to called me beautiful. :wubu: No U. I'm...
  3. ~KawaiiFFA~

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    It's a riddle. ;) No, actually, I quite like the way J.K. Rowling has designed her world. I pay attention to things no one else probably cares about in the books like Grindylows and have fun connecting them with the actual lore. I also have a weird name obsession (I read baby name books for...
  4. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Weird Question - hopefully, I get awesome responses :3

    Don't want to start something but I've gotta put it out there, since I date a guy who's suffered from psychotic episodes (and I'm someone who deals with her own forms of mental illness) that schizophrenia is not just another perspective. It's a disease, just like any physical illness. Sure, some...
  5. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Share snacks, food, your current eating endeavors. Let's talk food. I like food.

    Egg Nog Ice cream: Oh God yes. I haven't had any in years because I don't know places around here that sell it. :(
  6. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    Thank you. :blush: And hooray for the happiest place on earth!
  7. ~KawaiiFFA~

    R A N D OM Awesomeness

    That's how I like to feed my "baby," lol. ;)
  8. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Share snacks, food, your current eating endeavors. Let's talk food. I like food.

    I'm eating 86% Cacao Intense Dark Chocolate. :eat2: I also Googled Welsh Cakes and now I really want to try some.
  9. ~KawaiiFFA~

    sooo any bhm into squashing skinny girls?

    I think rib-breaking is a little too kinky, even for us. Also, if you break your partner's ribs, please pause to call an ambulance before continuing to attempt sexual congress. This has been a PSA.
  10. ~KawaiiFFA~

    sooo any bhm into squashing skinny girls?

    *snort* Also, I don't think I'd be able to remain horny if my ribs were broken. You never know though. My lady-boners are quite resilient.
  11. ~KawaiiFFA~

    90s TV Nostalgia

    YES. I also used to watch Rurouni Kenshin and Yu Yu Hakasho on Toonami after school. Then me and my younger brother would play samurais in the backyard. :) Also, I don't know how many of you spent a lot of time watching PBS, but do you recall any of these?
  12. ~KawaiiFFA~

    ladies, what do you find unattractive?

    One thing I absolutely hate is men who try to talk down to me or treat conversations like a lecture. (My ex was like this.) I'm actually quite a rigorous debater. Every now and then a guy will think he's being impressive by baffling me with his bullshit. These people hate it when you go, "Oh...
  13. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Lies Your Parents Told You

    My dad convinced me that leprechauns existed. One time when I misbehaved he stole my stuff. I was crying and he told me the leprechauns took it because I was bad. He made me write a note of apology to the leprechauns and then it mysteriously reappeared. I was like 3, okay? This is also the guy...
  14. ~KawaiiFFA~

    sooo any bhm into squashing skinny girls?

    Oh God. D: That's unfortunate. But an interesting story to tell when people ask how you what happened.
  15. ~KawaiiFFA~

    sooo any bhm into squashing skinny girls?

    Sorry to necro this thread but....YES x ∞ I've always liked pressure on top of me...it's kind of a sensory thing. Generally my boyfriend doesn't put his full weight on me because he's over twice my size, but sometimes he does lie or sit on me and it's pretty neat. I like pretend...
  16. ~KawaiiFFA~

    R A N D OM Awesomeness

    It's not showing up for me. D:
  17. ~KawaiiFFA~

    R A N D OM Awesomeness

    Me now and forever. I just love this picture on so many levels. :D
  18. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Does it run in the family? (FA relatives.)

    I chuckled at the Elvis bit. :) And yeah, it's interesting to learn new things about your family history.
  19. ~KawaiiFFA~

    What's pissing you off today?

    Wow, that's absolutely horrible. I have Bipolar II, BPD, and OCD. I'm pretty open about it but nobody has the right to reveal sensitive information like that, especially in such a dickish way. :/ I'm sorry.
  20. ~KawaiiFFA~

    What movie title describes your life?

    Youth in Revolt