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  1. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Christmas Wishes

    Books, books, more books. Money and a consistent way to make more of it.
  2. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Has anyone heard of this?

    I'm in my University library and I just started making noises like a dying pig trying to contain my laughter. What the actual f*ck.
  3. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Share snacks, food, your current eating endeavors. Let's talk food. I like food.

    I've never heard of samurai sauce. Elaborate? I ate fries with gravy the other day. yesyesyesyesyes
  4. ~KawaiiFFA~

    What are you happy about today?

    Also this. Congrats, man. It took me a while to find such a thing but now it feels damn good. We've gotta be thankful every day. (I was especially thinking about this last night. A man who can put up with my hormonal rages, perversity, and general batshit insanity is indeed a saint.)
  5. ~KawaiiFFA~

    What are you happy about today?

    Possible internship/career opportunities. Woot! A beacon of hope for some kind of respectable income in the future, :D
  6. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Does it run in the family? (FA relatives.)

    Thanks for your input guys. Always good to hear people's experiences and thoughts on this. It's true, until someone does some long, generations long case study of a family like mine we'll never know. (And no offense to us FAs, I don't think that's high priority on most scientist's agendas...
  7. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    Cute! You look so happy and that temple is really cool. I'm jelly. Going to Tokyo is definitely on my bucket list.
  8. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    Oh hell yes do I like the sound of that. I eat peanut butter and honey sandwiches sometimes. Okay, I'm done, I'll use the new food thread for these discussions now.
  9. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    Thanks guys. ^^ And yes, Nutella is the food of the gods. I don't have crepes every day, but I have been known to creep quietly through the night to obtain a banana and Nutella sandwich. It's just one of those things that always tastes awesome, but even better after 1 am.
  10. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    Mmm, crepes. Classy pancakes.
  11. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    Why thank you, good sir! And yup. Ripping off the band-aid of internet shyness.
  12. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Does it run in the family? (FA relatives.)

    My thoughts exactly, lol. My family has always been wayyyy too open about things. My dad once asked me if I had condoms as I walked out the door and offered to give me some if I didn't. I Just... But anyway, thanks. I think there might be evidence of this in people's families if they look...
  13. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    Nice. You have kind of an impish smile. Not quite a smirk, just a twinkle in your eye.
  14. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Ladies Post Cute Pics of Yourself (Round 2)

    ...I was chastised for merely creeping on pics in the "Nekkid" thread, so for now here's me with clothes on. xD Also... Oh my God! That's the Mad T Party at Disney Land! I haven't gotten a chance to go yet.
  15. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    How about Elderberries? Hehe, I swear I'll warm up eventually! I'm just shy. I can't even figure out how to upload a picture to my profile. :/ I apologize for being faceless. :P
  16. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Does it run in the family? (FA relatives.)

    It might sound weird, but I'm fairly positive that having a preference for larger folks has some sort of genetic component. If this seems silly, bear with me for a moment. My younger brother and I are both FAs. When we were younger and played house we'd take turns stuffing pillows in our...
  17. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Post Your Sexiest Pics Nekkid (2)

    Dayum...there are some good looking people on this board. *_* I just joined so I don't think I'll be posting pics of myself anytime soon. :blush: I guess I'll just observe for now, lol.
  18. ~KawaiiFFA~

    What makes you nerd rage thread?

    Don't feel bad, most people assume it has something to do with Hawaii. :) I still can't get over the fact that I'm no longer a teenager. It's been just a little over a month, but every now and then I see something 13 to 16 year olds are doing and just go..."What?!" I'm more removed from "the...
  19. ~KawaiiFFA~

    The Music Thread

    Lately: -Eluveitie & Korpiklaani (Cold weather puts me in a folk-metal mood.) -Kansas -Oingo Boingo, Devo, other New Wave stuff -I dug up my old high school i-pod and it's a time capsule: Fall Out Boy, Panic at the Disco, Evanescence. And lastly...Ke$ha's new album. I'm...I'm sorry. I...
  20. ~KawaiiFFA~

    Favourite thing to do with a partners belly

    I love giving belly rubs. Sometimes I like to nestle my arm or my toes in the nice warm place under the overhang of my boyfriend's belly. It's cozy. xD I also like just smushing my face into it. Every now and then he'll just push my face into his gut and I'll stay like that and just nibble...