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  1. W

    What's hotter? (Process. vs. Result)

    I favor the results of weight gain. I think it takes to much time and concentration to gain weight.:eat1: But the results are worth it.;)
  2. W

    The Rise of Plus Size

    Me to. In my head the plus size models will set the standard for skinny women. Now i want to see obese models.:wubu:
  3. W

    FAs! Is weight gain arousing to you?

    On myself yes. On a woman absolutely, positively yes.:eat1::bow:
  4. W


    If i lived in a place where skinny was the norm I'd be fallowing a bbw around with a camera too. :)
  5. W

    What is the single most cheese-ridden aspect of the 80s?

    David hasselhoff was cool in night rider. The talking car a bit cheesy.
  6. W

    What is the single most cheese-ridden aspect of the 80s?

    This was bad. The rocky horror picture show. I don' t want to see a movie about transvestites. This is how i learned what one was.
  7. W

    What is the single most cheese-ridden aspect of the 80s?

    They had the typical 80's synthesized sound. I have and love this cd.:)
  8. W

    Stephenie Meyer

    Wow she got hot.:eat1::smitten: Is all that money she can eat whatever she wants. I would to if i had a best selling novel.
  9. W

    Please take the 2010 Dimensions Bash Poll (Potential Attendees Only)

    Hopefully in the future there will be one in every state.:) Alls i know if it ends up in mass or close to mass im going.
  10. W

    What did you buy today?

    I bought a new cell phone of ebay. Its designed to look like the first Motorola cell phone. (those big brick phones from the 80s.) but works on the modern gsm networks. Does anybody remember saved by the bell? Zack Morris rocked one of those big cells. I bought it because of its cool retro...
  11. W

    Not Turkey for Thanksgiving?

    My other cooked ham instead of turkey this year. I don't mind because spiral hams are awesome.:wubu:
  12. W

    Feedism - Personally into overeating, being fat or getting fatter? Count yourself in!

    If im stuffing myself and i have an erection eating more turns me on. I don't really have to hide that im a gainer because i live by myself. When Im at work i always get heavy lunches. My coworkers basically have an idea.
  13. W

    My Progress

    Very nice.:eat1:
  14. W

    Fat Talk

    I wish i had a girlfriend like that. Id never leave her. Oooh I need a chick that will tease me with her weight. So i can worship her.:wubu::bow:
  15. W

    Fat Talk

    Instead of using fat, you could just tell her how you love her body and shes beautiful. Go slow and let you're hands do most of the talking.;)
  16. W

    Is 10 lbs noticeable?

    When i first started gaining weight one noticed till i gained like 20 30 lbs. Although i don't have much of a double chin.
  17. W

    Shoshie stacks it on

    :bow:Beautiful arms:bow:
  18. W

    What famous woman would you want to fatten?

    Oh yeah she needs weight stat.
  19. W

    FAs, how do you feel about fat on a person of the gender you are NOT attracted to?

    I think fat just makes us guys look bulkier and more manly i guess. Most guys gain in their midsection and upper body.