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  1. W

    Baby's fat rolls airbrushed out?!!!

    When will the media get it fat isn't bad. Its good.:)
  2. W

    Computer thread: Nerd discusion

    I'm just curious what kind of hardware is everyone using. Post about general stuff like brands to detailed stuff like memory size and processor speed. I Just got an acer nettop. My sister bought my pentium 4 and with the money i bout this new one. It has an intel atom proccessor. Granted its...
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    confessions of a naive FA

    BBW out there when you want something you know how to get it.:bow:
  4. W

    confessions of a naive FA

    Yeah man girls know when they can use their body. And as work goes in the retail business Women get the easy jobs.:p Men do the heavy stuff.
  5. W

    Ok I have a question for the men!

    Hmmm...I don't like chasing girls. I chased a girl i really had a crush on and found out that it is a wast of time. Yeah basically I wanted what i couldn't have. "Cat on heat." I work hard and my spare time is valuable. If a girl plays hard to get i assume shes stuck up. As flirting goes, its...
  6. W

    Arm Folds? WTF

    oooh arm folds. Angel wings. Sounds sexy.
  7. W

    Big Butts. STILL just a black thang??

    two for pix of the booty;)
  8. W

    Does the true hourglass female body shape exist?

    Is that what duke houser is up to now?;)
  9. W

    Does the true hourglass female body shape exist?

    Some women with an hourglass figure have more pronounced booty chest and thighs than others. But i dont think there is such a thing as a perfect hourglass figure. Women come in all shapes and sizes and have more assetts than others.
  10. W

    FA Myths thread # 4

    I think any person can be attracted to someones body. But if there personality isnt that great it will probably cause problems in the relashonship. If a woman is beutifull and too confident and stuck up or expects to much out of a man it is a big turn off and its like getting with this girl is a...
  11. W

    Negative comments turn positive

    Wow you look pretty today. Did you do something with your hair.:)
  12. W

    Negative comments turn positive

    I've had people tell me I gained weight and i look good. I've had people tell me that i gained weight. Etheir way I feel great.:eat1:
  13. W

    For those who have big BELLIES

    My belly isnt that big yet but it's getting there.:) Barbbw you have a beuitifull figure.:smitten: Awesome belly.
  14. W

    For those who have big BELLIES

    wicked cute but you do need bigger clothes. ok for the bedroom though:)
  15. W

    Closeted Canadians?

    Well said thatgirl. Hmmm... If someone likes you, youl probably find out in time. But if its just a freind he could like skinny girls or could be in the closet? Sometimes you don't know. Some people worry about what others think too much so it takes them a long time to come out of their shell...
  16. W

    Thick by Green Eyed Fairy (BBW, BHM, Aggressive ~Sex)

    Hmmm.... sounds hot and painfull.:rolleyes:
  17. W

    Why do you like Feederism? DETAILED ANSWERS!

    I think its natural. I don't think of it as a fetish. It's kind of human nature to want more.:) To love oversized breasts:bow: Well man nature anyway.
  18. W

    Why do you like Feederism? DETAILED ANSWERS!

    Hmmm... I like to eat alot because i like to gain weight. I also like being full. For some reason I feel alot more focused on a full belly. I love seeing a big lazy (beutifull) woman stuff herself or just plain eating in general. If im at wendys or mcdonalds or something and i see a woman with...
  19. W

    Positives of being fat, that you were surprised to realize

    Since I gained weight my skin is very soft and youthfull looking.
  20. W

    Positives of being fat, that you were surprised to realize

    I totally agree.:wubu: Men start idolizing big women. Me Anyway. :)