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  1. W

    BBWs: Would being able to be picked up by your SO be a turn on for you?

    My ex was about 218 and i was about 180. Mind you she's about 5'4 She could lift me up without a problem not the other way around. I felt kind of embarased aftarward.:doh:
  2. W

    The show your face/introduction thread

    You're confident. I like that. ;) Wow 280. You must have got it in the right places.
  3. W

    Bisexuality. Your Thoughts?

    I'm not Bisexual. Although when two feminine women get together i see it as a beautifull thing. I've had fantasies about a 3sum with two big hot sexy women. That woud be awsome. No butch/manly women in there.
  4. W

    The show your face/introduction thread

    I couldn't possibly understand how you could have body image problems. You're very cute.
  5. W

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Hope i inserted it right
  6. W

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Hi Everyone, Name: Kreg Age: 22 Location: Lawrence, Ma Likes: BIG Curvy cute voluptuous women, video games, eating and resting because im always working. Dislikes: mean people I found this site searching for BBW sites. Ever since I was a teen i always have been attracted to chubby girls...