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  1. Leesa

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    A recent picture of me. :p
  2. Leesa

    Rep whines

    I am ready! :D Rep me, baby! :wubu:
  3. Leesa

    Heavenly Bodies Memorial Day Weekend!

    I want to go but do not know of anyone I know who is going. :( We shall see.
  4. Leesa

    NON Anonymous Crush Thread-Fess Up People :p

    :smitten:I LOVE you long time!:wubu:
  5. Leesa

    what is your reputation?

    Girlfriend?..sorry no flirting for you, sir! :blush: Sorry, Ms. Runningman. :doh:
  6. Leesa

    what is your reputation?

    Maybe I can come on a road trip with you... As long as you do not mind being hit on for a few hundred miles. :p
  7. Leesa

    what is your reputation?

    wasn't it WELL worth the trip? :eat2::smitten::D:doh: I can not wait for the next one! :)
  8. Leesa

    NON Anonymous Crush Thread-Fess Up People :p

    Who don't I have a crush on? :wubu:
  9. Leesa

    Heavenly Bodies Memorial Day Weekend!

    I like this part!:p
  10. Leesa

    Heavenly Bodies Memorial Day Weekend!

    Memorial Day is my favorite! :D I'll be there.
  11. Leesa

    Attached or looking?

    ...but looking at the menu! :eat2:
  12. Leesa

    **~*** NJ Bash Photo Thread ***~**

    Ooops I need a pic lesson... pics later!
  13. Leesa

    **~*** NJ Bash Photo Thread ***~**

    I'll trade dresses too; mine was from Igigi as well. We would not have to buy new dresses for YEARS! :eek:
  14. Leesa

    what is your reputation?

    You must be so happy.
  15. Leesa

    oy, it's letters to people and things!

    Whew, I cried too!
  16. Leesa

    Happy Birthday HugKiss!!

    Happy Birthday to my guardian angel!
  17. Leesa

    The One NON-DIMS RELATED Thing Annoying You Most Right Now Part Trois.

    1. Children :doh: 2. School :mad: 3. Work :eek: Sunday can not come fast enough. I need peace in my heart!
  18. Leesa

    ISO Lobster Rolls!

    Get Randi and come on up! :eat2: Memorial Day is not far off.
  19. Leesa

    what is your reputation?

    :eek: After NJ, I'd most likely be considered VERY loud and annoying. :blush: I left my shyness in Connecticut.
  20. Leesa

    **~*** NJ Bash Photo Thread ***~**

    WHY? Just because an elderly Bostonian told you you were beautiful? I better learn to hush! :doh: