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  1. Leesa

    Capescapade!!! Weekend gathering at Cape Cod, MA, in Sept. 2009.

    YAY! It will be so nice to see you both. If you need ANYTHING please let me know. :D
  2. Leesa

    Happy Birthday ValentineBBW!!

    Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, dear BECKY!Happy Birthday to you! How OLD are you now? (runs for cover!)
  3. Leesa

    HJappy Birthday PhatChk!!

    Happy, Happy, Happy, BIRTHDAY!
  4. Leesa

    machine wash only winter coats

    I'd recommend Junonia.
  5. Leesa

    Dims Yearbook Superlatives!!!

    That's because I do not steal the covers!
  6. Leesa

    Capescapade!!! Weekend gathering at Cape Cod, MA, in Sept. 2009.

    committ, committ, committ.....subliminal messages....... We need you!
  7. Leesa

    I'd rather boink _______ at the NJ Bash than Mini

    Where does that line form?
  8. Leesa

    I'd rather boink _______ at the NJ Bash than Mini

    I rather BOINK the busboy at the NJ Bash than Mini! :p
  9. Leesa

    Food on Wheels!!!!

    I think we should visit while we are at the Cape this September! :eat2:
  10. Leesa

    I want to have sex at the Jersey Bash! Sign up here!

    Can I take a number like at the deli or will I have to stand in line? This information will help me decide. :blush:
  11. Leesa

    Happy Birthday Rosebud!!

    Happy Birthday to you. I love you LONG time!
  12. Leesa

    Capescapade!!! Weekend gathering at Cape Cod, MA, in Sept. 2009.

    :wubu: Can not wait for the Cape! :wubu:
  13. Leesa

    Massachusetts Dead Zone

    I ALWAYS want to go to Chunkies if anyone ever wants to go there. :D
  14. Leesa

    Massachusetts Dead Zone

    Anyone want to go to the Drive-In in Welfleet? NO, you do not have to smooch me! :p
  15. Leesa

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Enjoying the sprinkler in the back yard. :D
  16. Leesa

    The Next New Jersey Bash

    Nancy, I do not care IF I have to sleep on the floor; PLEASE come to the NJ Bash! :happy:
  17. Leesa

    Baby Ivy Is Here!!!!!!!

    My God Richly Bless you all!