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  1. Leesa

    The Next New Jersey Bash

    Please go :) PLEASE go Butch and SoVerySoft! :D
  2. Leesa

    The daily exercise report thread!!

    H2O aerobics again
  3. Leesa

    The daily exercise report thread!!

    *1 hour of lovely water aerobics. :D
  4. Leesa

    BBW Confessions thread

    WOW, there are so MANY BBW farmers! I am always looking for a great neighbour. :eek:
  5. Leesa

    If you could change places with a fellow dimmer.....Who would it be?

    I think I would be Felecia! :blush:
  6. Leesa

    Rep whines

    I was trying to be discrete. :blush:
  7. Leesa

    The Next New Jersey Bash

    Yes, I am sure.
  8. Leesa

    The Next New Jersey Bash

    Well, actually, HE said you would be there with cheesecake for me! :eat2:
  9. Leesa

    The Next New Jersey Bash

    DAMMIT! I thought these were largely going to be the same people I just saw at the Dims bash. Now I *have* to come because there's no way in hell I can miss meeting Sarah. WILL YOU PEOPLE LEAVE ME *SOME* VACATION TIME, PLEASE?! JESUS! *Sigh.* I have spoken to JESUS! and he wants you there...
  10. Leesa

    Rep whines

  11. Leesa

    oy, it's letters to people and things, part deuce!

    Dear Boss! Thanks for being you. Thanks for adoring your staff and accepting us the way we are. Thanks for using our strengths and weaknesses to benefit your program. We are an awesome team! It keeps getting better and better! :D L
  12. Leesa

    Happy Birthday Smushygirl !!!

    Happy Birthday to you!
  13. Leesa

    The Next New Jersey Bash

    25. Goofy --and I'm also adding: 26. Leesa--because we're a team :D You have that right! But we are accepting new team mates who provide snacks.
  14. Leesa

    Happy Birthday, SuperMishe!

    :D Happy Birthday to you! :D
  15. Leesa

    General Bash Chit Chat - Anything Goes Here :)

    Time for some lovely headbands and clips! :)
  16. Leesa

    What did you buy today?

  17. Leesa

    The daily exercise report thread!!

    I actually walked for 30 minutes today. My sister, her child and dog made it a pleasant trip! I hope to do it again tomorrow. :D
  18. Leesa

    The Restaurant Meal PICS Thread!

    It would just be so lonely without me! :p
  19. Leesa

    Non-Anonymous Crush Thread II - "You know you wanna say it!"

    Moi? :eek: WOW, I do feel special! :blush:
  20. Leesa

    The Restaurant Meal PICS Thread!

    Is it worth crossing the GWB for? :eat2: