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  1. jewels_mystery

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    That is one of my favorite songs.
  2. jewels_mystery

    Fat Art (For the Home)

    I don't know where to find prints. But I love this site http://www.francesca.net/broadband.html
  3. jewels_mystery

    True Blood

    I am loving the Tara and Franklin storyline. He is too funny and leaves me in tears. I do not like Jason and fastforward through his scenes.
  4. jewels_mystery

    NFL star loves big babes

    That is nice to hear that he is public about his preference.
  5. jewels_mystery

    Daily Chair activism

    I am surprised this is coming from livingxl. I have ordered several chairs in the past with no problem. I would never consider buying a chair with arms. Just too uncomfortable.
  6. jewels_mystery

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

    Autumn Leaves- Eva Cassidy
  7. jewels_mystery

    True Blood

    I am totally falling for the new vampire. He is just so naughty.
  8. jewels_mystery

    Fat Harassment at Burger King

    It would only make sense to wait UNTIL she sees what action the management will take. Though after that experience I would not return to that store.
  9. jewels_mystery

    Fat Harassment at Burger King

    I would call the corporate office. Put it in writing, that way it leaves a paper trail. I would go one step further and get my friends involved. I would let them know on my FB page to boycott the place. Hit them in the wallet.
  10. jewels_mystery

    Fat hate from boyfriend's mother

    I agree with Olwen. You defended yourself and he put his mother in place. There is nothing else the man can do nor was it his fault. Plus the fact she has a mental illness and has her own issues she must deal with. I would just tell my boyfriend that I prefer not to be in his mother's presence...
  11. jewels_mystery

    Support A Lovely BBW - Chaka Khan

    I love Chaka. Always struts her stuff with pride.
  12. jewels_mystery

    True Blood

    I like Tara but she is too angry. Always yelling and insulting people. Sookie is a little irritating at times. I love Jessica, she always makes me laugh.
  13. jewels_mystery

    True Blood

    I finally sat down and watched seasons 1 and 2 last week. I love it:smitten: I like Eric and Sam :rolleyes:
  14. jewels_mystery

    Would you date interacially?

    You Rock!!! :bow:
  15. jewels_mystery

    Gaming, Old School

    I play more computer games but prefer face to face. I have a board game night every couple of months with friends. It's so much fun. Nothing like seeing a bunch of adults cheat at monopoly or yahtzee.:doh:
  16. jewels_mystery

    Indian man burns wife to death for being fat

    I am not surprised. I have an uncle that demeans, beats up and leaves his wife when she gains weight. Sad to say she has been left and begged him back several times over the years......he goes back once she loses the weight.
  17. jewels_mystery

    Indian man burns wife to death for being fat

    That is just horrible. I hope all persons involved are jailed.
  18. jewels_mystery

    question...any campers?

    Thanks for the advice.
  19. jewels_mystery

    question...any campers?

    I thought I would bump this thread considering its camping time. I have a question. Anyone have a tent trailer, rv or motorhome? I am thinking about investing in one and wondered if they were ssbbw friendly.
  20. jewels_mystery

    sit down rest or buffet style and tipping

    I prefer sit down rest over buffet. I only like buffets when its a seafood night. :eat2: