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  1. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    I am sorry your family is doing this to you. {{hugs}}
  2. jewels_mystery

    Your Most Unexpected Erogenous Zone

    +1. I also love to have the back of my neck and lower back kissed. :smitten:
  3. jewels_mystery

    The Reality Of Dating An SSBBW

    Amen my sista. I can not rep you enough for this. :bow::bow:
  4. jewels_mystery

    Clothing/Fashion Confession

    I discovered a bunch of 3 and 4 pack undies by Just My Size on clearance for 3.00 at Walmart. I stocked up!!! :D
  5. jewels_mystery

    Tattoo thread

    I am in love with this thread. I know what tats I want, just have to get the courage up to get them done.
  6. jewels_mystery

    Do you get annoyed when your partner can't do something because they are fat?

    I had only one boyfriend who was like that. I fractured both my knees years ago and they have never been the same. He couldn't understand why I wouldn't go sking with him. I was willing to go but not get on skis.
  7. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    Good luck with your surgery. Hope your recovery time is quck. {{hugs}}
  8. jewels_mystery

    traveling for love

    I would move. I have a rule for ldr, one has to move within a year. Even then, I would move into my own place first. I was going to move to another state for love once. But he couldn't understand that I wanted to live in my own place for a couple of months and not move directly in with him. He...
  9. jewels_mystery

    Seeking Advice: Becoming a Healthier Foodie

    I love food coops and farmer's markets. Go to www.localharvest.org to find the ones near you. My food coop has a website that lists recipes along with whatever fruit and vegetables are current. At times there has been a food seminars held at the farmer's market. It has been a great way for me to...
  10. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    I am so sorry. That is too much to deal with. {{Hugs, hugs, hugs}}
  11. jewels_mystery

    Home Laser Hair Removal

    You normally can get hair removal treatments on groupon. My friend got 4 or six treatments for one area (chin, upper lip and I forgot the last area) for $99. When I can afford it, I will be getting some. She also snagged some dermabrasion treatments for the same price.
  12. jewels_mystery

    It Still Feels Like Rape..

    I can not rep you enough for this. :bow:
  13. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    I am so happy for you girl. He is a lucky man.
  14. jewels_mystery

    Aldi Love

    If it wasn't for Aldi's, I would have starved when I was in college. I wish there was one near me. I miss their grilled chicken breast strips.
  15. jewels_mystery

    Random FOODEE Thoughts and Confessions

    I am the same way. That show had runined the way I eat out now. :mad:
  16. jewels_mystery

    Random FOODEE Thoughts and Confessions

    It is girl scout cookie time. yay. Check out my local chapters website. I could not believe I could fax in an order andthere is a list of the grocery stores they will be at..... I am so friggin happy. I will be at the grocery store next weekend picking up my cookies. :eat2:
  17. jewels_mystery

    OMG look at this nice ad pic of the Pine Sol lady!

    I love the pixs. She looks great.
  18. jewels_mystery

    Thread for POSITIVE stories about Muslim culture

    Thank you for starting a positive thread about Muslims. Half my family converted to Islam and I have several friends from Yemen and Jordon. I have nothing but positive things to say about them.
  19. jewels_mystery

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 2

    wow. I can not wait until this comes out.