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  1. jewels_mystery

    BBW millionaire on Bravo's Millionaire Matchmaker

    I saw the preview and decided not to watch it.
  2. jewels_mystery

    Fav place to buy your video games?

    Steam (when they are having a sale),gamestop, amazon and ebay.
  3. jewels_mystery

    How do you feel about marijuana?

    I could have not said it any better. I know of several people over 35 who smoke it everyday. One I barely can have a conversation without having to repeat things over and over....and over. I have no problem with people smoking it in moderation. But when you pay off your dealer before paying...
  4. jewels_mystery

    Fat peeps- do you, personally, blame any of your weight on influence of an FA/Feeder?

    I do not blame anyone else for my weight. I do not exercise, over induldge and spend too many hours online.
  5. jewels_mystery

    Dealing with self esteem issues.

    I never understand fa's who only watch skinny porn. One ex watched skinny porn daily and at one point that really effected by self esteem. I was introduced to plus size porn by my last ex. I had no clue that plus size porn even existed. (doh). It may sound weird but it was liberating seeing...
  6. jewels_mystery

    Which 5 snacks you can't live without?

    1. doritos 2. nuts 3. munchos 4. Girl scout cookies 5. Sweet Maui onion kettle chips
  7. jewels_mystery

    Would You Be A Web Model?

    Not me. I am too conservative and its not something I would be interested in. God bless those who chose to do it. Rock on ladies.
  8. jewels_mystery

    New Years Eve Plans?

    No plans.waaa. Most of my friends are working. I probably will be online playing some games.
  9. jewels_mystery


    lemon poppy seed with ketchup. that sounds interesting.
  10. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    Merry Christmas Ladies.
  11. jewels_mystery


    I love Tilapia. I use either italian breadcrumbs or panko. I usually add extra herbs and parmesan cheese to the breading. yummmm
  12. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    I am sorry your havng a hard time right now. Sending prayers out to you and your family.
  13. jewels_mystery

    BBWs and Skinny Jeans

    He was being a complete idiot. You bought it and rocked those jeans. Wear them with pride.
  14. jewels_mystery

    First concert?

    My first concert without parents was the Cure at Nassau Coliseum. I believe it was 92 or 93. It was awesome.
  15. jewels_mystery

    I've decided that we need a BOB MARLEY thread.

    I love Bob Marley Here are my favs No woman, no cry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGqrvn3q1oo Three little birds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgqZVle2Ymo
  16. jewels_mystery

    Thanksgiving Menus - 2010

    I had cornbread stuffing for the first time last year. that was so good!! wish I remembered that earlier. doh
  17. jewels_mystery

    Why I'm an out FA (and you should be too)

    Rep ya. Thank you for sharing such a emotional experience. It touched my heart.
  18. jewels_mystery

    Thanksgiving Menus - 2010

    Getting together with some friends. I am making: Baked mac and cheese Stuffing Roast beef Cuban roast pork coconut brownies
  19. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    For those who celebrate, Happy Thanksgiving ladies. I am grateful for all of you and that I have this board to come to. {{hugs}}
  20. jewels_mystery

    Happy Belated Birthday AnnMarie

    Happy belated B-Day. Hope you had lots of fun.