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  1. jewels_mystery

    Who Taught You to Hate Your Beautiful Body?

    My family taught me how to hate myself. I was never good enough... ie. skinny, pretty, smart etc. Holiday get togethers were a nightmare. I was picked on and tease the entire time by uncles and Aunts. when I moved out of my mother house I dropped all contact with them. It was over 10 years...
  2. jewels_mystery

    Who Taught You to Love Your Beautiful Body?

    Myself and my first FA. He still makes me smile.
  3. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    Darling I am so sorry you had to run into an asshole. What a piece of crap. Karma will get him back. You are a beautiful woman. Do not give him the satisfaction of creating doubt in your head.
  4. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    Have fun on your date.
  5. jewels_mystery

    5th and Final Secret Snowflake

    I am working on my list. Thanks so much Misty for your hard work.
  6. jewels_mystery

    Do you tip for take-out?

    I do not tip if I am picking it up.
  7. jewels_mystery

    Secret Snowflake

    I hope it continues. I loved participating last year.
  8. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    I so know how your feeling.
  9. jewels_mystery

    Whats your Natural High?

    Congrats on the A.
  10. jewels_mystery

    "The Walking Dead"...(to my fellow zombie lovers)

    I love the show and we have a watch party.
  11. jewels_mystery

    Protect your photo rights online

    Thanks for posting this.
  12. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    I have that problem too. Do you have a theater that has stadium seating in your area? Sounds Yummy
  13. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    I am so sorry honey. {{hugs}}. I hope you feel better tomorrow.
  14. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    IC that I could really go for some girl scout cookies right now. Trefoils :eat2:
  15. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    I gave up heels years ago. Which sucks because I love them!!! Damn these bad knees
  16. jewels_mystery

    It's Oatmeal Season!

    I love my steel oats in the morning. I throw in some cinnamon, dash of vanilla and a splash of french vanilla coffee mate. yumm
  17. jewels_mystery


    I recently tried Hummus for the first time. OMG that stuff is good. I tried the Sabra roasted red pepper and Athenos garlic. yummmm. :eat2:
  18. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    Candy Coated Clown {{hugs}} I know how you feel Casting Pearls ROFL
  19. jewels_mystery

    Carey Hart had to sit next to a fat person on a plane. Feeling so bad for him, omg.

    I still have no clue who this person is. I had to google it. Either way he is a loser.
  20. jewels_mystery

    BBW Confessions thread

    Sounds like this is over due for you. yay. Have fun!!!