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  1. G

    are there ANY female feeders out there at all?!

    Yes, I agree that you don't just decide to move across the world when you first meet someone, but it is amazing how much you can learn about each other through communication via the web or phone. That is why I say the right feeder woman. Finding a feeder or feedee to be your companion is not...
  2. G

    are there ANY female feeders out there at all?!

    Honestly, I love California, but if I found the right woman feeder and could make a living, I would very likely move to join that person because I feel the relationship I have with my lover is the most important one I have. I really believe we both have to work at a relationship to make it a...
  3. G

    are there ANY female feeders out there at all?!

    After listening to this thread I am going to change a few things in my search. I agree that saying you are a feedee looking for a feeder is counterproductive. There are a few women out there that know what that is but even though the numbers are increasing most have no idea. I think if...
  4. G

    Just a quick hello

    You both sound like the women I would love to be with. Honestly, if I could find work and a woman FFA/FFeeder like either of you, I would move to Germany tomorrow. In my last job I was an international flight attendant and used to travel to Frankfort often, but alas, I am no longer flying...
  5. G

    Looking for an FFA who really wants to Fatten a man up

    I am a straight feedee/gainer guy who has been looking for female feeder for a while myself. Although I am still looking I think the site Obesus mentioned or Fantasyfeeder (google it) might be helpful. Also I did manage to hook up with a great woman feeder through the Dimensions Matching...
  6. G


    I liked your morph. I hope you will be doing more too.
  7. G

    New growing belly registering

    Hi, I just registered and thought I would introduce myself. I live near San Franciso, Ca. and started gaining about 2 years ago. My icon photo is about a year old so I should try to get something more recent. I seem to gain all my weight in my belly and it is definately larger and rounder...