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  1. F

    Justin and Trinity - by unfront (~BBW, Stuffing, ~SWG)

    doggone that was a great start! Well written (even proofread and punctuated!) with good characters and enough movement in the plot to keep me interested (I am a little picky on that I hate 8 paragraph stories, but 34 page novelettes are too much also). I am eagerly waiting for more, Please! Foo
  2. F

    Owning Felicia: Wrap-up - by Scx (~BBW, Explicit ~Sex, ~XWG)

    I realize that the story was against the rules (underage etc.) but I thought that it was not egregious in that. Having said that I thought it had enormous potential for being a very very good story. Good characters, decent plot development, and enough length (though not too much per part) kept...
  3. F

    Alina (~BBW, Secret Gain, Romance, ~XWG)

    Interesting, very interesting, lots of potential, it just needs some more detail as to why she is in distress and what he is doing about it. Foo
  4. F

    Feeding Tana - by Mental17(SSBBW, Extreme Eating, Erotica, ~XWG,)

    More please it started great! Foo
  5. F

    The Chef of the Titans - by Irish Bard (~BBW, ~XWG, Eating)

    May I please have more sir? Foo
  6. F

    The V Club - by Archangel (~BBW, Magic Potion, ~XWG)

    need more! great start though.....Abraham Lincoln quote; "It is like the little girl who found a snake in her stocking. It strikes me there is something in it..." Foo
  7. F

    The Hotel New Orleans - by Casso (SSBBW/SSBHM, Immobility, , Heavy Sex, ~XXWG )

    Darn! I know that you are great at your stories and I know that this was a normal (as far as length) part but it was such and great read that it felt too short! Foo
  8. F

    The BFLO - by ec (~BBWs , Competition)

    next event please? sounds like a good start. Foo
  9. F

    The Hotel New Orleans - by Casso (SSBBW/SSBHM, Immobility, , Heavy Sex, ~XXWG )

    Darn need more! it is so good even though you write well make decent size posts it always seems to short! LOL! Foo
  10. F

    The Hotel New Orleans - by Casso (SSBBW/SSBHM, Immobility, , Heavy Sex, ~XXWG )

    Picasso strikes again another great story! Foo
  11. F

    The Revival - by Irish Bard (~BBW (mult) SSBBW (mult), Sex, ~XWG)

    Nice start, a little bit short although that increases the anticipation. I have always enjoyed the way you advance your stories without lacking detail or emotion in the storyline. Foo
  12. F

    Amber 4.7 - by Dravenhobble (~BBW/SSBBW, Lesbianism, Graphic Sex, ~MWG )

    Damn! I've always liked the Ambers story and wondered if someone was going to continue it. Nice to see it is fine hands, your ability is shown in the story and how it blends in with the preceding parts. Foo
  13. F

    Patronage and Pierogi - by Madeline Maple (SSBBW, Romance, Imagery, ~XWG )

    this has great potential and I have enjoyed very much so far. I am not sure if it a function of the editor(s) or your own efforts but it is very readable thanks to fine punctuation and spelling. Foo
  14. F

    Angie - by Blame Picasso (~BBW, Eating, Romance, Heavy Sex, ~MWG)

    more must have more PLEEEEEEESE!
  15. F

    Getting Round at the Track (1-5) by Mac5689 (~BBW, Romance, Car Racing Dramas, ~SWG)

    hey there! Lots of good potential so far. I do understand the NASCAR terms, but a lot of people don't, so maybe simplify it a little for them. Other than that one constant I have seen on this board is that people want a decent physical description before anything changes and periodically...