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  1. angel-1


    I have to admit, due to the fact that I get wrapped up in a lot of the fun stuff that goes on here, I forget how important this place is. How there are so many people who count on Dims for support and friendship. I really love this place. Layla, I don't know you, but I'm glad you're here. Much Love.
  2. angel-1

    Name a song from the last letter, part IV

    "Tea For One" - Led Zeppelin N or E
  3. angel-1


    I saw it last night with my fam and we loved it. I wasn't bored at all. Even when it slowed down, I was still with it. Seeing Jason Bateman is always a treat. I think he's a very underrated actor. I say if you haven't seen it, GO SEE IT.
  4. angel-1

    Bring back the Dims T-Shirts!

    I was thinking that same thing.
  5. angel-1

    A Poem About Fat Black Women (NOT positive)

    He meant well:rolleyes:
  6. angel-1


    My condolences, Layla. I pray for you and your family.
  7. angel-1

    Name a song from the last letter, part IV

    "Raining Blood" - Slayer D
  8. angel-1

    Name a song from the last letter, part IV

    "End It On This" - No Doubt S
  9. angel-1

    Recent Picture of You- part VIII :D :D :D

    Oooo, sexy. Great top!
  10. angel-1

    Recent Picture of You- part VIII :D :D :D

    Gotta love those family pics. You have a beautiful family.:bow:
  11. angel-1

    Recent Picture of You- part VIII :D :D :D

    And I'm a fan of yours:smitten:
  12. angel-1

    Name a song from the last letter, part IV

    "Deer Dance" - System Of A Down
  13. angel-1

    Sexiest Songs Ever

    one of my all time favs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=recbUx_yB4g
  14. angel-1

    What Are You Listening to Thread- Revisited ;)

    Thank you, my dear. Gotta love a woman with good taste.:smitten:
  15. angel-1

    Belly library (men/women)

    Awwwwww. That's so cute.
  16. angel-1

    The NOT Hot Girl Thread!

    The really bad thing is there are people out there who tell her "You look sexy." When will it end?
  17. angel-1

    Name a song from the last letter, part IV

    "You Don't Know Where Your Interest Lies" - Simon and Garfunkel S
  18. angel-1

    The NOT Hot Boy Thread!

    Damn!!! I hope his Mother hugged him a lot.
  19. angel-1

    Plus Sized Actors/Actresses on TV

    Lindsay Hollister is hot.
  20. angel-1

    Oh, how I wish I had this guys number...

    WOW!!!! That's really funny. If you have to say there's nothing wrong with you..THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU!!!! And what's with the abuse and medication and mother in chemo and all that other crap? Could he be a bigger asshole? Yes he can! I love it when he said "You looked really taken...