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  1. chublover350

    The Question Game - Part III

    do they really exist??:doh:
  2. chublover350

    What do you think are the pros/cons of being single?

    OH OH OH ill cuddle:D
  3. chublover350

    Post your random Youtube links here...

    powerthirst http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-3qncy5Qfk elmo fire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLaHpl7CmRU
  4. chublover350

    Post your random Youtube links here...

  5. chublover350

    NON Anonymous Crush Thread-Fess Up People :p

  6. chublover350

    The Question Game - Part III

    i already did, what about the DOC??????
  7. chublover350

    Post a picture of your desktop.

    i FREAKING love it. i do alot of 3D/game mod/photoshop stuff and i need the extra space because i have to have many things open at the same time. BELIEVE me, it helps to have the extra space when im building something and i have to see the pic and the 3D program and not have to switch between...
  8. chublover350

    Belly library (men/women)

  9. chublover350

    The Question Game - Part III

    why didn't any of us go??? were we suppose to?:confused:
  10. chublover350

    Post your pets

    her name is Sienna
  11. chublover350

    Recent pic of you- part VI :D

    hahahhah hipster....thats such an awesome way to put it :D
  12. chublover350

    cutesy names for your big guy

    NP!!! there are more CHUNKS in the sea:D keep your chin up
  13. chublover350

    Beat that, Chris & Mary ! ! ! [SSBHM&FFA Pics]

    this is AWESOME!!!!
  14. chublover350

    cutesy names for your big guy

    sorry to hear....:(
  15. chublover350

    The Question Game - Part III

    Why Wouldn't You!!!!?????
  16. chublover350

    What's in your CD Player

    HAHA YES juno reactor is bad ass.....i got a nice little mix of APC/tool:D
  17. chublover350

    What Are You EATING right now?

    JUSTICE LEAGUE teddy grahams :D
  18. chublover350

    Advice for a new feeder - term of affection

    i know that i have had a GF that liked being called piglet.:wubu:
  19. chublover350

    Post your pets

    took a little nap and woke up with this on my chest......my puppy
  20. chublover350

    Post a picture of your desktop.

    haha is that opencanvas.,........? my god i havent used that in so long:D