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  1. chublover350

    Happy Birthday thejuicyone

    well i wanted to be the first one but i got beat :| well what can i say about good OL miss JUICEY. 1. SUPER HOT 2. FUCKING FUNNY 3. could drink my ass under the table 4. HOT 5. HOT 6. ho....so on and so on :D all i gotta say is, brandi, when are you gunna get that behind to cali so...
  2. chublover350

    World Of Warcraft - Fat Guild - Alliance this time!

    HAHAH yes i do believe it is AMAZING!!!!
  3. chublover350

    Post pics of yourself....LIVING

    is this the face of FUN or what????
  4. chublover350

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

  5. chublover350

    Feedism - Personally into overeating, being fat or getting fatter? Count yourself in!

    its only bad when a something negative is connected to it :D
  6. chublover350

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

  7. chublover350

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

  8. chublover350

    Post your random Youtube links here...

    YES haha spread the magic that is this video, and your welcome for showing u it :D:D
  9. chublover350

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    get it with your looks girl :D:D
  10. chublover350

    The creepy picture/gif-thread (don't like? don't look)

    OH GOD you shouldnt have started this, i have LOADS of them ENJOI and your WELCOME
  11. chublover350

    The last movie you watched... and score out of ten - Part 2

    District 9-10000/10 the hangover-9/10 star trek-7/10
  12. chublover350

    2009 Singles Thread

    GIRL what happened????
  13. chublover350

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    hes so little haha, oh no wait your just fat sorry :D
  14. chublover350


    i dont know if i can bring myself to believe something like that....Y2K anyone????
  15. chublover350

    Tired of hearing about MJ

    this says it ALL! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVACUjHn6yU
  16. chublover350

    Post a picture of your desktop.

    theres a program called ultramon....i have it for my dual set up, thats if you dont have it already
  17. chublover350

    Was i born to be fat?

    i know a girl that i know for a FACT was born to purely be fat. she has told me on numerous occasions that she enjoyed being fat even when she was a child, now shes getting over 300lbs and she loves it and really has NO intention on ever stopping.
  18. chublover350

    Post a picture of your desktop.

    minez i love zombies
  19. chublover350

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    such a small heart on that big belly:D