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  1. chublover350

    What are you wearing right now?

    get it with your looks girl ;)
  2. chublover350

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    ill take you up on that offer:eat2:
  3. chublover350

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    i CUT OFF ALL MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know i know some are mad some are happy but it was time...i needed a change. i need to shave i know
  4. chublover350

    What Are You Listening To? Redux

  5. chublover350

    Recent Picture of You Part X !!!!!!!!!!! :D

    looks like someones bum is starting to take over:D lovely dress :D:D
  6. chublover350

    Everyone please pray for my dad...

    very sorry to hear this my friend. hang in there, i too have had some family health issues come up. but hang in there again im sorry to hear this
  7. chublover350

    World Of Warcraft - Fat Guild - Alliance this time!

    BRING DOWN THE HAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. chublover350

    The Fatty Questionnaire!

    1 What is your Name/Alias? Spencer/Chublover350 2 What brought you into the community? wanting to find more people like me and the ladies that us FA's loved. trying to find out more about this need in my life. 3 Why do you stay in the community? love the people 4 Are you a...
  9. chublover350

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 1

    lately i have been revisiting assassins creed, plenty of moto gp 08, lots of call of duty mod war and waw...mmmmmm:eat2:
  10. chublover350


    someone that keeps their word....hard to find...and honestly, it suits you:p
  11. chublover350

    Your skinniest and fattest pics

    holy moly girl:D:D:D: lucky dood your sitting on
  12. chublover350

    What Are You Listening To? Reloaded :D

    Iced Earth-Valley Forge
  13. chublover350

    Recent Picture of You......Part IX ;)

  14. chublover350

    NON Anonymous Crush Thread-Fess Up People :p

    girl your gunna get YO self in troubles
  15. chublover350

    My fellow video game nerds, whatcha been playing? Part 1

    wow, hawx and call of duty
  16. chublover350

    Post pics and stories of you with celebrities.

    i have met many many times kerry king from slayer, he comes into my store all the time,
  17. chublover350

    Recent Picture of You......Part IX ;)

    i wish i got to see that outside my window :happy:
  18. chublover350

    Do you Hulu?

    yes i hulu, not enough yet to have my brain turn into a goo but yes i do :D
  19. chublover350

    Post a picture of your desktop.

    i have a dual monitor set up....but it only captures the main screen :D two 22" wide screens:D
  20. chublover350

    Are BIG BELLYS the new big butt?

    high FIVE to that