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  1. W

    Confessions of married people

    I have a strange question for FAs here. If your partner lost a lot of weight would you still be sexually attracted to them? I know those in love would still love them, but what about sexual attraction and desire?
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    In celebration of my wife.

    What a lovely tribute. She is a very lucky woman. xx
  3. W

    How did you become so fat?

    Thank you Azerty! And your English is just fine. :-)
  4. W

    How did you become so fat?

    When I was younger, I wasn't thin, but I was average. Average looks, average body, but fantastic breasts! They were my best feature and got me lots of attention! I never had a problem finding clothes because I never bought clothes. My mother did. I was never fashion conscious and wore jeans and...
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    "I Love Those Guys that Love Bellies" appreciation thread

    Don't give up hope. You could still meet such a woman and then your fantasy would be fulfilled. I wish that for you as well.
  6. W

    Hunger of the Night - by Nexis (~BBW, Supernatural)

    Love the supernatural elements of the story mixed with fat description. Good stuff. :eat2:
  7. W

    Has There Ever Been a FA/BBW Couple Pic Thread?

    My FA and I just got married after two years. Best day of my life.
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    One Good Man by Ashblonde (~FFA ~BHM, Romance)

    Add my voice to the choruses of YES to this story thread. love it!!
  9. W

    Saundra - by Luv Gaining Ladies (SSBBW, Extreme Eating, Domination, ~Sex)

    I am new to the forums and to these stories and of all the feeding stories, of which topic the jury for me is still out, this I like better than any of them. I'm not sure why as far as plot goes, but the writing is excellent. I hope you'll write some more! Thanks!:eat2:
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    Strangers - by Green Eyed Fairy (BBW, Imagery, Romance )

    Loved this story. I like the mix of food sensuality and sexuality, which I'm just discovering hits a nerve with me. thanks!
  11. W

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Yes, it did. We all need positive feedback now and then. Thanks.
  12. W

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Ok, perhaps witchy, or so I've been told :D, but yes, it's funny. When I was a kid, I had nothing but black cats. It just occurred to me that when I got older, I've been found my by a pure white cat and a black and white cat along with numerous other varieties. White magic? Who knows? :p
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    The show your face/introduction thread

    Thank you Paul for the kind words! I have already become a Cat Lady in the sense that wherever I go homeless cats seem to find me. It never fails. I find most of my cats that way. Weird. They can sense sympathetic people I guess or they are my familiars, as someone suggested. :) Curiosity is...
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    The show your face/introduction thread

    Imfree, Thanks for the welcome. Part of the reason for delurking is seeing the extremely friendly banter going on between members. Quite refreshing! I'm looking forward to making friends here. Ann
  15. W

    "I Love Those Guys that Love Bellies" appreciation thread

    Tara, I love this description of your journey and it could very well have been written by me. After having three children my belly was here to stay for good. I have always been leery of it as you say in those various ways above. I think now I am quite ready to embrace it and see it through the...
  16. W

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Hi Honeyhush. I must say that is the most beautiful photograph I've ever seen!! Absolutely fabulous! Thanks for posting that.:blush:
  17. W

    The show your face/introduction thread

    Thank you for the welcome! I will take your thoughts to heart as I lurk in public! :)
  18. W

    The show your face/introduction thread

    I'm officially de-lurking since everyone else is. Hello all. Here are the stats: Name: Ann Age: 48 Location: Illinois, USA Profession: Administrative Assistant Music: Indie, alternative, classical, pop, oldies, 60s, 70s Likes: Films, books, good food, drink, and conversation, philosophy...