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  1. angel-1

    Happy Birthday, rainyday!

    Hope you have a great Birthday:):):)
  2. angel-1

    Happy Birthday, Wagimwawr!

    Happy birthday!!!
  3. angel-1

    Rep whines

    Ah, so i do have a purpose in life after all.
  4. angel-1

    My weight gain..my butt and thighs are so much bigger!!!

  5. angel-1

    My weight gain..my butt and thighs are so much bigger!!!

    You're very hot!!! :smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten:
  6. angel-1

    Recent pic of you- part VII :D

    Too cute!!!:):):)
  7. angel-1

    Recent pic of you- part VII :D

    You're so cute;)
  8. angel-1

    Rep whines

    I like you, you make me laugh.:bow::bow::bow:
  9. angel-1

    What movies SHOULD have had a sequel?

    If written well, I could see a sequel to the Breakfast Club being interesting. More mature version. I'd want Kevin Smith to write it. Maybe Gus Van Sant to direct.
  10. angel-1

    Rep whines

    Oh yes, forgot about the theme song. OK, just make sure it's nothing cheesy.
  11. angel-1

    "Music Lovers" Baker's Dozen

    8. Get Down Tonight - KC and the Sunshine Band
  12. angel-1

    Music -- help with suggestions, please? :)

    That's something I never want to find out.
  13. angel-1

    Recent pic of you- part VII :D

    I'm with Timberwolf, ROCK ON!!!!
  14. angel-1

    Rep whines

    No, no, no, fresh farts made daily on a farm somewhere. Get some lactose intolerant folks to drink lots of milk, eat ice cream, cheese and stuff and then...
  15. angel-1

    Rep whines

    I'm working on a prototype. I'm thinking of an assortment of different aromas, different sizes, 6 packs, 12 packs, etc., with really cool artwork on the cans.
  16. angel-1

    Happy Birthday RedVelvet!!

    Happy Birthday!!!!:):)
  17. angel-1

    Recent pic of you- part VII :D

    The hair is awesome. Black looks good on you. Enjoy the Morrissey concert! LUCKEEEEEEEEEE!!!:)
  18. angel-1

    Happy Birthday IMFree

    Happy birthday, Edgar!!! Be Well!:):)
  19. angel-1

    Rep whines

    I like to think they're an assortment of beers, colas, nuts, mace, condensed milk, farts, etc.
  20. angel-1

