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  1. Steve

    Obama Hugs Sick SSBBW!

    I just watched the video posted of President Obama responding compassionately to a woman clearly in need of compassion. I didn't see a fat woman nor did I see a black man. This has nothing to do with size acceptance, but shows the (hopefully) genuine kindness and empathy of our president.
  2. Steve

    The "post pix pls kthnxbai" thread for the rest of us stuck at home.

    Hi, I was asked to remove the group photo to protect from unsavory downloads. I'll be happy to email it to anyone of the women in the picture. Just PM me your address. Thanks, Steve
  3. Steve


    Ah, you beat me to it. Okay. Peter Boyle.
  4. Steve


    Even Cowgirls Get the Blues. Bad movie, good book.
  5. Steve

    The "post pix pls kthnxbai" thread for the rest of us stuck at home.

    Hi, I'd be happy to email a full size copy of the group photo to any of the women that are in the shot. Just PM me your email address and I'll send it along. Steve
  6. Steve

    The "post pix pls kthnxbai" thread for the rest of us stuck at home.

    Someone requested a higher resolution copy of the group photo, so here it is:
  7. Steve

    Strep throat alert

    Is it true the bottle spins the other way in Australia?
  8. Steve

    Conrad's speech

    Here is a video of Conrad's speech from Saturday evening. http://www.vimeo.com/5328856 Enjoy!
  9. Steve

    The "post pix pls kthnxbai" thread for the rest of us stuck at home.

    I already have a Hot Johnny hanging above the fireplace.
  10. Steve

    Strep throat alert

    I felt slight congestion in my lungs Tuesday morning as Jennifer and I began our drive home. By late afternoon, I lost my voice to laryngitis. Jennifer was pretty happy about that part. I went to the doctor yesterday and was given antibiotics for an upper respiratory infection. I feel lousy...
  11. Steve

    The "post pix pls kthnxbai" thread for the rest of us stuck at home.

    The first two are from the Fat Sexuality workshop. The third is from the This is How We Roll workshop and the last is from the Feeder/Feedee workshop.