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  1. Steve

    Vers le bas avec le socialisme!*

    And you can see how well that works.
  2. Steve

    Are you as smart as a fifth-grader?

    Fifth-graders accused of having sex in school Authorities say four of them were briefly left in an unsupervised classroom NEW ORLEANS - Five fifth-grade students face criminal charges after authorities said four of them had sex in front of other students in an unsupervised classroom and...
  3. Steve

    FA Photo Site - Has it been done?

    I'm not as dumb as I think I am.
  4. Steve

    FA Photo Site - Has it been done?

    Now, in 2-D!
  5. Steve

    Recent picture of you! - Part II

    My excitement is no longer a secret. I'm more thrilled than you can imagine.
  6. Steve

    Pan's Labyrinth

    My nightmares have subtitles.
  7. Steve

    Geaux Saints!!!

    As a lifelong Eagles fan (which is to say I know heartbreak), I must admit that the Saints played a great game Saturday, and I would love to see New Orleans in Miami.
  8. Steve

    Does Anyone Have a Recipe For Babyhead Soup?

    Something simple. I'm not a gourmet.
  9. Steve

    NJ Mini Bash PICS!

    Thanks to everyone for a wonderful weekend. I can't wait for the next one. Steve
  10. Steve

    northern ny

    EmJay, The piece "13 Crows" scared the bejeebus out of my wife, and drove her from the room. I told her that I believed the artist would be thrilled with that reaction. If art doesn't move you one way or another, it's not working. I'm glad you found a couple of pieces the "touched you."...
  11. Steve

    northern ny

    We didn't any of the "make your own" because of time constraints. We spent so much time looking at the exhibits, and then we stalked the glassblowers for far too long, and didn't have enough time left to play with glass. My wife has taken a couple of flameworking classes in Boonesville and wants...
  12. Steve

    northern ny

    We just visited the glass museum on Monday. Absolutely amazing! And there were a number of Japanese tourist there, now that you mention it. EmJay, make sure you see "Another Look at My Beef With the Government." Steve
  13. Steve

    northern ny

    Where were you a few weeks ago, when I really needed you? I appreciate your offer and will certainly take you up on it should the need arise. I haven't suffered any calamities in this house so far, other than those by my own creation and really, the plumbing thing was supposed to be a joke...
  14. Steve

    northern ny

    Thanks, EmJay. Know anything about plumbing? Steve
  15. Steve

    northern ny

    I've been in Central New York for a few years, but just bought a house in Syracuse.
  16. Steve

    I'm BAAACCKKK - whad'I miss?

    You call Grabthar's hammer a lucky question?!
  17. Steve

    I'm BAAACCKKK - whad'I miss?

    Well, I got together for a dinner party with three cute fat chicks, and captained the winning team in a cut-throat game of Trivial Pursuit. Of course, the other team was not quite ready for Mensa, but still were commendable opponents. Oh, and I had some awesome chowder. Wish you were there.
  18. Steve

    Married Couples

    Skye and I will be celebrating 8 years in December.