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  1. indy500tchr

    Melissa McCarthy gets what she deserves!

    A well deserved Emmy! You go girl!
  2. indy500tchr

    2010 Winter Olympic Games

    So I haven't seen a thread started yet. I know, I for one, am a HUGE fan of the Olympic Games. I've already DVR'ed the first week of events and watched the 4+ hour telecast yesterday. Anybody have any thoughts so far? The one that really sticks out in my mind was how NBC chose to open...
  3. indy500tchr

    DarkSol is handing out corsages at the NJ Bash. Do you want one?

    Turtleteacher......YES pink and white daisies!
  4. indy500tchr

    Taking Disney By Storm

    Ginny and I decided to get to Orlando a few days early so we could hit Disneyworld. Day 1 was 11 hours at Magic Kingdom and Day 2 was MGM. We had an amazing time riding all the rides (only a VERY few were not fat friendly) The mandatory Cinderella Castle shot. I swear we did nothing...
  5. indy500tchr


    This what happens when you lose a bet ;)
  6. indy500tchr

    The Official THANK YOU Phil & Berna Thread!!!

    I have just arrived home from another super fun amazing time at a NJ Bash. The weekends just keep getting better and better. Berna and Phil you outdo yourselves every time. Thanks for having a place for us fatties and fattie lovers to come together and have some serious fun!!!! Can't...
  7. indy500tchr

    NJ Bash Airport Rides

    Is anybody arriving around 5-6pm on Friday into Newark airport that would like to share a cab ride? Not really looking forward to spend an extra $100 to go to and from the airport. OR If a super-de-duper person would like to come get me that would be fab as well! I would be totally...
  8. indy500tchr

    For All You FB Lovers...

    Fashion Bug Discounts!!!! FREE SHIPPING Get free shipping with your purchase of $50 or more now through March 26. Just enter code 776271405 at checkout. SPRING FLING SALE - 30% OFF It's an invitation to go crazy! During our spring fling sale save 30% on spring's best styles...
  9. indy500tchr

    NJ Bash Roomie Where Are You?

    So it's only 83 days away from the NJ Bash and I am looking for somebody split the expense of a room. Any takers? I don't bite....unless you want me too. :D I am so looking forward to getting back on the east coast. I've missed you all terribly.
  10. indy500tchr

    What do you do on your day off?

    This is what I did. I've been years to do this again!
  11. indy500tchr

    DIMS Meet and Greet in Room 205

    Ok well we made it I hope you did too! The meet and greet will be in room 205 (Katie & Becki's) on Saturday around 6pm. I hope to see you there! OR you can just come hang out whenever. We have plenty of goodies for the eatin'.
  12. indy500tchr

    Dims Meet And Greet At The Chicago Boo Bash

    DIMENSIONS MEET AND GREET AT THE CHICAGO BOO BASH Hosted By: Turtleteacher & SBQT73 We am so very excited to hear that there will be a lot of dimmers at the Boo Bash this year. We would like to invite all of you to a little gathering in our room on: SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25TH 6PM-...
  13. indy500tchr

    Zaftique sizing question

    I have never shopped with them before and I am looking to find a formal dress and was wondering how their sizing is. If I look at their sizing chart my hips are too big for any of their clothes. However I fit into Avenue 30/32 clothes that are stretchy. Any advice would be so very helpful...
  14. indy500tchr

    Chicago Boo Bash

    Who's going? October 23-26 in Carol Stream, IL go to http://www.lindasbigconnections.com/2008lbceventcalendar.htm for more info.
  15. indy500tchr

    Wall E

    I've been waiting for this movie to come out for quite some time. I thought the little robot was so cute and we were going to see his daily ins and outs while he cleaned up Earth. At least that is what the previews made me believe. To my suprise that was just the first 20 mins. or so. The...
  16. indy500tchr

    NJ Mini Bash Pics Thread

    These pics are thanks to Carla. I just happen to be on her laptop...Enjoy!
  17. indy500tchr

    Midwesterners go East!!!

    So I am heading to the NJ Bash the weekend of March 28th. If you know Berna, Phil and Carla like I do you know they can throw a pretty 'effin awesome party. Since plane tickets are outrageous there is no way I can fly. I was wondering if anybody wants to caravan out there, share gas and room...
  18. indy500tchr

    Calling all Indianapolisians

    There is an LBC dance on Dec. 7th up in Schaumburg. I will already be up in Chicago that Friday but Tim has to go home to study for his final that he has on Sunday. Would anybody like to share a room with me at the dance and have some company driving home on Sunday? It's been forever since...
  19. indy500tchr

    Fashion Bug 40% sale

    Just an FYI for all those Bug fans. They are having their 40% reg. price items and an extra 20% clearance this weekend. Also if you spend $50 or more on-line you get shipping for free! They've got some really cute babydoll shirts and go up to size 32! Also I was able to fit my fat ass into a...
  20. indy500tchr

    LBC Dance June 9th!

    Ok all you Midwest DIMers there are going to be a few of us from the boards and chat heading to the dance in Schaumburg Sat. June 9th. Hope to see you all there. Here is the site for more info. http://www.lindasbigconnections.com/