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  1. G


    Men seem to greatly outnumber women whether it is feedee, feeder, Fa, etc. There seem to be so few women who are out there although there are a few who are out and talking on this site and FF. How can men meet women of whatever preference without finding them online as it doesn't appear very...
  2. G

    Japanese FFA's

    I teach college level English as a foreign language to international students, so I am often in front of large groups of students from many countries. In the last 3 years I have started gaining as a feedee and have grown a large round ball belly. I know in Japan there is sort of a prejudice...
  3. G

    the Science of Speed Eating

    There was a special about the science of speed eating on the Nation Geographic channel, but my local cable doesn't get this program. Did anyone see this? I am very curious about how some competitors can stuff 66 hot dogs down in a few minutes yet still be thin. One if the stars is a woman...
  4. G

    New growing belly registering

    Hi, I just registered and thought I would introduce myself. I live near San Franciso, Ca. and started gaining about 2 years ago. My icon photo is about a year old so I should try to get something more recent. I seem to gain all my weight in my belly and it is definately larger and rounder...