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  1. B

    Last post

    Thank you everyone for being so kind over the years.This will be my last post.For personal reasons I will not be on here anymore.Again,thank you all for the support and gracious words for the last 18 years.
  2. B

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone!Hopefully everyone is with family,friends and loved ones this time of year!Also thanks to our troops who are not with their loved ones,let's all hope 2015 is a great year!
  3. B

    Inside Curve on LB site?

    Hi all,I tried to go onto Lane Bryant's Inside Curve website and after I logged in it said it has been disabled.Anyone else on their site?I made a few nice friends on the site and would be disappointed if it was no more.
  4. B

    wg fiction story

    I'm trying to find a story that involved a woman gaining like a Marylin Monore and hating it at first but then,starting to love her curves.Anyone know the story?Thanks all!
  5. B

    weight gain author?

    Hi all.I'm looking for an author of weight gain stories.His name was fannl or something similar to this.His stories were not posted where on dimensions.I 'd loved his stories,mostly sounded like my life.A thin young woman who gains lots of weight and ends up loving every inch of herself!Thanks...