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  1. R

    Article: Obstructive Sleep Apnea May Worsen Diabetes

    The rest here: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/01/100114143314.htm
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    "Common pain relievers may dilute power of flu shots"

    Full article
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    Voluntary Tylenol Arthritis recall

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    Lived a little and wiser for it

    In chats and other discussions with fat women, I've noticed that the words, "I wish I'd known then" often come up when we talk about our younger selves. If you're 30+, what do you wish you'd known when you were younger? Or what would you tell your younger self now if you could, especially...
  5. R

    How does your attraction play out in reality?

    Where do you fall on the spectrum? If you are bisizual, please answer given the size you tend to find most appealing. I realize not everyone will fit in one of these categories. If I've left out options you think should be there, feel free to say. My intent isn't to call anyone out for not...
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    Happy Birthday Miss Vickie

    Happy birthday lovely nursie friend. (I started to go with a "baby catching" theme, but after clicking on this and this and this, something purple seemed wiser. :D)
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    Study: Long-term benefit of HAES (health at every size) approach

    YAY. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091104123025.htm
  8. R

    Lap band surgery in children.

    I didn't realize WLS was being done on kids this young. :( http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091103171911.htm
  9. R

    Study: Birth Control Pill Gives Long-lasting Protection Against Ovarian Cancer

    This article's from 2008, but given that ovarian cancer risk is elevated in fat women* this might be of interest when weighing the risks/benefits of the pill. Full article here. *Additional article about elevated ovarian cancer risk in fat women
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    The Leading Risk Factor Of Left Atrial Enlargement During Aging Is Obesity

    Posting this not to just add more bad news about fat the to pile, but because of the bolded section about high blood pressure. Seems like a good reminder for those of us in fat bodies to do what we can to control that variable at least. Full article is here.
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    Article: Testosterone replacement for metabolic syndrome/fatty liver (in men)

    The rest of the article is here.
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    National Suicide Survivor's Day

    Info about the screenings here This event takes place every year the Saturday before Thanksgiving. If you've lost a loved one to suicide, please consider attending a screening of the conference at a local location. I went to one last year and it was well worth it. This year I think I'll just...
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    Happy Birthday SmartFatChick/SweetTooth

    aka SweetTooth here on the boards Happy birthday, beautiful. Wishing you a good one.
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    Dog Food Recall (Wysong)

    The brand is Wysong http://www.wysong.net/recall.php
  15. R

    Yea or nay? (aka Is this a fashion do or don't?)

    Curious whether an outfit works for you and brave enough to have people give you honest answers? Post away.
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    "Results not typical" no longer allowed in diet ads

    Also, announcement on FTC website
  17. R

    The Museum of Fat Love

    Saw this linked on a blog: The Museum of Fat Love
  18. R

    Happy birthday Superodalisque

    Happy birthday to the best hug giver around. Hope you're having a lovely day, beautiful, talented woman.
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    What would you bring to a Dims potluck?

    An all-Dim picnic in the park. What would you bring? Assume geography and cooking facilities aren't a problem.
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    Caption It IV - The Poll

    This is the last round, so this week's winner your prize is just our adulation and hearty guffaws. Thanks to all who've played along the way.