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  1. RedHead

    A Fashion Opportunity?

  2. RedHead

    Hello everyone....it's been a long time!

    Hello everyone, thought I'd just drop you a quick note to say hi. I've missed you all and thought of you often. I see so many new faces; but a lot of the oldies:wubu:
  3. RedHead

    I'm back in the saddle again

    Not literally; but I actually have a "FREE DAY" to play online and wanted to say hi to everyone. Missed all of you!
  4. RedHead

    I'm back in the saddle again

    Strangley enough I have the saddle sores to prove it! So I am here, missed everyone; didn't want you to think I fell of the next cliff. But I am 88% healed now and feeling much better. I just got back from the east coast on training....I leave for the bush in a week then I'll be back a week...
  5. RedHead

    Back from the land far, far away....

    Which basically means the two surgeries back to back kicked my butt!!! I am not taken anything but advil now and lunesta to help sleep. I am slowly but surely getting back to normal (whatever that means in your world)....but I know I haven't posted in a while...I travel a lot for my new...
  6. RedHead

    Anyone in Cleveland, Ohio?

    I will be there sometime in July for a week. I have training for my new job...so anyone???
  7. RedHead

    How to identify a stroke and save a life

    STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Steps 31March 2006 My friend sent this to me and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree. If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks. Seriously.. Please read: STROKE IDENTIFICATION: During a BBQ, a friend...
  8. RedHead

    I had a VISITOR this MORNING!!!!! PICTURES

    This morning I had a young Bull moose come to visit me. He allowed me to pet him and talk to him....he has all his velvet on his antlers right now; it is so beautiful!
  9. RedHead

    ****caution**** Pictures From Surgery

    As promised pictures....
  10. RedHead

    Surgery Tomorrow....

    I would ask that those of you who believe to pray for those of you who don't, please think good thoughts. This should be my last surgery and I am very excited but yet I am scared as well...the pain. I know this is elective to a certain extent...but on the other hand it's not; If I don't...
  11. RedHead

    Officially 1500 Posts

    This is my 1500th post. Whooooo Hoooooo
  12. RedHead

    How do you protect yourself?

    After the recent events on another thread about being stalked; I am wondering how many women have taken any classes/training on how to protect themselves. I am not advocating any one type of protection; just curious as to how many have thought about their personal safety and what have you...
  13. RedHead

    Funny story

    So today I'm laying on the floor on my Queen of Sheeba throne...leg in the cpm machine and ice pack circulating around. Elijha is laying on the very edge of one of the pillows....right where the sun is coming in, lulling him into a deep kitty slumber. He is falling deeper and deeper into...
  14. RedHead

    Awesome Interview Today

    My interview went extremely well. He basically offered me the position right then and there; but I let him know I wouldn't be available for another 3 weeks...I did not tell him why. Anyway; the pay is more than I made at my other job PLUS there is a quarterly bonus that is available. On a...
  15. RedHead

    Happy Easter Sunday

    Now before anyone feels left out, celebrate spring, celebrate the day, celebrate the new tulips punching out of the ground. Celebrate the wonderful people that are this board. BB with the abundantly gorgeous red hair that is frankly the envy of many. To Sandy SR who is Rapunzal in the flesh...
  16. RedHead

    Little Wabbit Phoo Phoo, hoppin' down through the forest

    Pickin' up the field mice and "bopping 'em on their 'eads" ..........SO If you were the fairy godmother what would you do to Bunny Phoo Phoo?:p
  17. RedHead

    Surgery went just FINE!

    Hey all, home from the hospital; feeling....well nothing:D they gave me a femerol block and dialiad for pain...nice, very nice. So I'm laying on the floor with my leg in the cpm machine, with the ice cuff on circulating around my knee and typing on the board. Tina just called me...she to...
  18. RedHead

    Had a GREAT TIME Last Night

    Okay Tom Selleck wins some tickets to a comedy show last night. It's a world famous bar and TS has never been there! So we go, we try not to sit to close up front...don't want to get picked on. Didn't work...he spots TS and says "We have Magnum PI with us here tonight"....looks at me and...
  19. RedHead

    I am in interview HELL

    It's only Tuesday and I'm already tired of interviews! 3 today...1 tomorrow. I already told them I couldn't start until Mid May; but I've got some really excellent prospects. But if you all could send some positive thoughts my way I'd really appreciate it! I'm also having a "little"...
  20. RedHead

    Could it get any weirder?

    Okay...so we know that I had my snowmachine stolen in March, diagnosed with severe anemia, got the flu, got a migraine ended up in hospital, then had the snowmachine accident. So I have surgery scheduled for Friday 4/14 for my knee; they have to replace the ACL graft. I also have surgery...