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  1. Molly

    BHM Pin-up Calender

    Sorry, made you look! As far as I know, there isn't one. But one day, I'd like to make one as an art project for myself. I'd like to do some pictures of men alone, and some men with women. I've been thinking about this for a while, and I really want to get drawing. Any suggestions of...
  2. Molly

    BHM Melanie's Muse: Part 1- 7 - By Molly (~BHM, ~Sex, Romance)

    ~BHM, ~Sex, Romance - An attraction develops in the college cafeteria. Melanie's Muse by Molly Part One Melanie rushed through the university towards the cafeteria commons. A quick glance at her watch told her she was only running a minute or two late and there was still plenty of time to...
  3. Molly

    The Gym - By Molly (~BHM, ~FFA, Romance)

    ~BHM, ~FFA, Romance -A BHM joins a gym to try to lose weight, instead he meets a woman who wouldn't want him to change a thing. The Gym by Molly Willam walked through the front door of the health club feeling nervous. It took a lot of convincing himself to make the appointment, and he...
  4. Molly

    Missing You - By Molly (~BHM, Romance, ~SWG)

    ~BHM, Romance, ~SWG -Daniel and Molly's relationship has been put on hold for two months. Daniel worries if she'll still want him when she returns. Missing You by Molly Daniel shuffled his feet anxiously while glancing at his watch and then back at the TV monitor that showed Molly's...
  5. Molly

    What's your fantasy photo shoot?

    So I recently watched a DVD called 'A night with Kevin Smith 2, Evening Harder'. For those who don't know who that is, he's the guy that wrote 'Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Clerks...' Anyways, the show was a Q&A with the audience about his life and such... one person asked about how he felt about...
  6. Molly

    Lost and Found - By Molly (~BHM, Romance, ~Sex)

    ~BHM, Romance, ~Sex - A BHM is in for a surprise when he rescues a beautiful woman lost in the Canadian wilderness. Lost and Found by Molly All I could here was the squeak, groan and crunch of the snow under my sorrels. You know it's cold when the snow talks back. And that itself...
  7. Molly

    If you havn't heard these guys yet, YOU SHOULD

    Just in case anyone hasn't heard these guys, they're great. I saw them at a Folk Festival a few years ago. They are hilarious, honest, fat and a really good time. They are called T.O.F.U. Tonnes Of Fun University. /http://www.myspace.com/tonsoffununiversity Listen to a few of their tracks...
  8. Molly

    Where is the BHM art?

    So I've been lurking for a long time, and striving to find a good place to share some BHM art (drawings and such) with other Artist-FFAs, but I haven't been able to find any galleries that are specifically geared towards Straight-Male-BHM drawings. I really enjoy drawing big fellas, as well...