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  1. jewels_mystery

    Free Night of Theater

    I know a lot of us enjoy going to the theater and movies. Free tickets makes it even sweeter. Saw this on one of my forums and thought I would pass it on. http://www.freenightoftheater.net/
  2. jewels_mystery

    Henna anyone?

    I tried henna a couple of years ago but was not that thrilled with the results. Love the color but made my hair dry. I wanted to know fi anyone was into henna or using Indian herbs on their hair?
  3. jewels_mystery

    Girl Scout Cookies

    I just got an email from a friend who daughter sells girl scout cookies. They will be available next week. yay. I can not wait. :eat2: I have to clear out some room in my freezer.
  4. jewels_mystery

    GYN visit

    I had a couple of weird things happen at my gyn appointment today. 1st. they could not take my blood pressure because they did not have a cuff that would fit my arm. There was only the original cuff. Normally my other doctors have 2-3 cuffs. 2nd, the doctor had the nurse come in to help her...
  5. jewels_mystery


    Has anyone adopted as a single person? I am surfing online for info but would appreciate any first hand experiences. I don't graduate until December and don't plan on moving forward until I am secure in my next job. I figure I could do a lot of preparing in the mean time. My immediate family is...
  6. jewels_mystery

    Ice Cream Recipes

    Hello my fellow foodies. OK don't laugh. But I just bought my first ice cream maker. It's electric. I've never made ice cream before. Anyone have any recipes they would like to share? Thanks