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  1. S

    NJ Post Holiday Meet Up Thread

    Who's in? Where? The new Joe's Crab Shack in Piscataway/South Plainfield (Toni's checking on that :)) What day of the week? So far we have two who vote for Saturday. Speak up, speak out! Yahoo for meetups!
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    HB Memorial Day 2009 Ride Thread!!

    Hey Everyone! Just throwing this out there for everyone/anyone who may need a ride or is willing to give one. As for me...I'll be driving up from Jersey (Fri - Mon) and can take a couple of people with me OR would love to join a caravan already going up there.....PM me if you think we...
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    My trip to the Dr.

    Ok, so I'm all about WLS if that's what someone wants. It's your body, your decision. However.....here's my story: I went to the Dr. today and was totally ready for the "I just want you to be healthy, you need to lose weight speech." I understand this, I really should lose weight...
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    "More To Love"

    So, I decided to post this here because I'm more interested in hearing what you guys have to say about it than actually promoting the event. Forgive me if I missed a thread about this already, but I just found out about it yesterday and thought it would make an interesting topic. Fox is...
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    What are you going to be? Where did you find your costume? Homemade or store bought? Any tips for those of us (like me) who don't have costumes yet? Where to get them, etc.... Happy Halloween!!!!