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  1. BeastofBurden.

    Road Trip!!!!

    yup at 5 am im takin a road trip from Florida to Miss. and Louisiana....gonna drive to Pensacola or Mobile Al. tomorrow and stay the night the drive the rest......anything fun to do in Pensacola?
  2. BeastofBurden.

    news paper caught me makin things go BOOM!!!

    check this out......http://www.floridatoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/gallery?Site=A9&Date=20090704&Category=NEWS01&ArtNo=704023&Ref=PH&Params=Itemnr=10 ........10 and 11 are the start of 6 straight hours of fireworks lol thats how we roll in the south! LMAO
  3. BeastofBurden.

    Show off your pools if you got'em

    since it's summer and all I figured I would start a pool thread :P