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  1. Renaissance Man

    The Island - by Renaissance Man (~BBW, Eating, ~MWG)

    ~BBW, Eating, ~MWG - from a shipwreck comes a love story unseen since Robinson Caruso This was my first shot at writing a work of fiction, back in 1998 or so. Someone was asking for it, so I thought it was time to post it. Enjoy. _____________________________________________...
  2. Renaissance Man

    A Look at Feederism

    I very much appreciate waitingforsuperman’s de-lurking post, which was eloquent about his view on feederism, as well. Since this is the Weight Board, more discussion about the eroticism of weight gain should be in order. This is the safe haven to which many of us sailed when the Internet was...
  3. Renaissance Man

    Good job, Conrad!

    I think this board software is sooooo much better. Thank you for taking the time and effort to provide this for everyone. As an old Navy man, I will say . . . BZ :)
  4. Renaissance Man

    Good job, Conrad!

    I think this board software is sooooo much better. Thank you for taking the time and effort to provide this for everyone. As an old Navy man, I will say . . . BZ :)