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  1. BigBeautifulRed

    Joke emails.

    what hurts is getting a joke email from my mom and aunt that says "really ridiculous things" and it being a forward with pictures of other odd things like 5 legged cats, and then there are pictures of BBW's I have seen from around here. Oh yeah thats hilarious......:rolleyes: people are so...
  2. BigBeautifulRed

    Baby FAs

    I have a nephew who likes to feed me anything, he's 2. he likes to feed me then snuggle onto my belly or use my thighs like arms of a chair. I think it's cute. I try to share with him but he only wants to feed me. anyone else know any babies like this?
  3. BigBeautifulRed

    favorite homemade cookies

    Oatmeal butterscotch cookies! Mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm my mommy makes them the best mhmmmmmm
  4. BigBeautifulRed

    Anti-Fat Friends

    do you have a friend who is your good friend and doesnt see you as fat but then will say things about fat people and it kinda hurts? My roomate is a really good friend of mine, our boyfriends are cousins and practically brothers and we are good friends but sometimes she says things about how she...
  5. BigBeautifulRed

    Favorite Food from where

    you're favortiest food and from where. 1. Nachos- From my college cafeteria 2. whatever kind cake I had today at the cafeteria, I dont know about it but it was beyond delicious. 3. Country Fried Steak-mmhmmm I have had it many places but I seem to find it the best at Chilis. 4.Macaroni...
  6. BigBeautifulRed


    Wedding pictures and stories? I know this is kind of random but I really wanna get married lately and I already have my wedding dress picked out. I just like looking at people in love. The only thing stopping us is well actually a few things, school and money and stuff like that. I just wanna be...
  7. BigBeautifulRed

    FA/BBW Wedding Pictures Thread

    I'm such a romantic, I just love looking at everyones happy wedding photos I thought I would start a thread! I don't have any yet but everyone else should share their wedding pictures!
  8. BigBeautifulRed

    whats it like?

    we're just kinda breaking into feedee and feederism, any hot tips? Share your experiences!
  9. BigBeautifulRed

    Lap Band Commercial

    has anyone seen the commercial for the lap-band with the beautiful fat girl saying " I dream of kissing him under the eiffiel tower?" It pisses me off so much! Has being fat stopped anyone from enjoying life or romatic moments? HELL NO! I wish I could skidoo in and slap her. Rant...
  10. BigBeautifulRed

    Nikon D40 set for sale

    so I am trying to sell my Nikon D40 in a set with a memory card, case, strap, lens and lens cap of course, along with software all for $450.00. I can go higher or lower depending. I need to sell it for money to pay off a bill and tickets home for Christmas ( I am in college). It is in perfect...
  11. BigBeautifulRed


    does anybody on the board workout? I know this is dumb, but I have been excercising sometimes because I want to be healthy internally.
  12. BigBeautifulRed

    fl clubs

    so anyone know of any bbw clubs in florida or alabama?
  13. BigBeautifulRed

    Christian Thread

    I thought this would be a good place to start one. Just welcome any prayer requests, or thoughts regarding Christianity.
  14. BigBeautifulRed

    whats healthy?

    what is your definition of healthy? do you believe that if you workout but eat to keep your soft form that keeps you healthy? just curious how everyone defines healthy. xoxo
  15. BigBeautifulRed

    West Florida BBW

    So I wanna start up a Meetup in the Pensacola, Milton, Mobile, area! Lets work it out because we have no BBW stuff here and that's not right!
  16. BigBeautifulRed


    Hi Yall! Okay Dude! INTRO! Okay I am Amy, I am a student here in God's retirement or Florida. I am very young and realitvely new to the BBW world. I have made a couple of postings here but am making an effort to be much more active Background on BBWNESS Last year my boyfriend who had been...