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  1. jnp782

    I thought this was interesting...

    Jeans Ad Sparks Controversy. Do Levis Models Come in Any Other Sizes? http://shine.yahoo.com/fashion/jeans-ad-sparks-controversy-levis-models-come-other-202400157.html
  2. jnp782

    'Sopranos' actress Denise Borino-Quinn dies at 46

    ROSELAND, N.J. – Denise Borino-Quinn, who unexpectedly won a role as a mafia wife on "The Sopranos" after she attended an open casting call, has died. She was 46. The Farmer Funeral Home in Roseland, N.J., said Borino-Quinn died Wednesday after a long battle with liver cancer. Her husband...
  3. jnp782

    Whole Lotta Love: An All-Star Salute To Fat Chicks."

    Twisted Sister guitarist Eddie Ojeda has joined the roster of the upcoming tribute album "Whole Lotta Love: An All-Star Salute To Fat Chicks." Eddie appears in conjunction with his solo project Eddie Ojeda's Band of Steel, featuring vocalist Andre Vanchot (X Factor X, Joe Stump), bassist...
  4. jnp782

    The Cleveland Show - did anyone see it last night?

    Not really sure which Forum this would go in...Last night's episode had a long segment on Rilo's neighbor falling on him. She is an obese, handicapped woman and falls down from a ladder on a him (a little boy). Seth McFarlane has spoofed everyone, now including large women. I love Family Guy...
  5. jnp782

    The Cleveland Show - Did anyone see it last night?

    Not really sure which Forum this would go in...Last night's episode had a long segment on Rilo's neighbor falling on him. She is an obese, handicapped woman and falls down from a ladder on a him (a little boy). Seth McFarlane has spoofed everyone, now including large women. I love Family Guy...