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  1. PYT_bigandbeautiful

    Wedding HELP!!! Inviting a gay -lol just read-

    Okay so I've decided on having a very small private get-away wedding to Tennessee. So far it will be myself, my fiance, my mom, my father, my brother, my sister-in-law, and my niece. I ALSO want to have a very close friend Kevin and most likely his spouse Ken. I really wanted Kevin to sing as I...
  2. PYT_bigandbeautiful

    I have something to share!!!!

    When I was living in TN for a short period I found a store called Torrid. I had never seen anything so amazing when I was in there. The website is www.Torrid.com For those who have never been I believe they size by 1,2,3,4 etc... but it's def not a normal single digit size. I think I wear a...