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  1. OIFMountaineer

    Happy 234th, Birthday Marine Corps!

    To KFD, and all the Devil Dogs on this forum, both past and present, I'll be drinking one in your honor.
  2. OIFMountaineer

    Question for the ladies, and guys who like us fellas

    When we're all stripped down to our nether garments, what type and style do you prefer? Boxers, briefs, thongs with an elephant's trunk in the front? What do you like on us men folk?
  3. OIFMountaineer

    The 213 Things Specialist Shwarz is not allowed to do in the US Army

    (In parts, because, well, this is a long list.) Military members of this board should pick up on most of this, though it definitely isn't something that civilians wouldn't be able to understand. An oldie, but definitely a goodie. 1. Not allowed to watch Southpark when I’m supposed to be...