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  1. Leesa

    Information please

    I went to the DR today and found out I have Venous Insuffiency. He gave me a scrip for compression stockings. Sadly, my diagnosis is not covered by my insurance and the stockings are $85! Any ideas? I saw the stockings on EBay for $12-25. Are they the same stockings I would get at the medical...
  2. Leesa

    Calling in sick?

    When do you call in sick? What does it take for you to miss work? Fever? Headache? Ambulance?
  3. Leesa

    No Bash? What do we do this weekend?

    What will you do this weekend? :(
  4. Leesa

    I have had a sad day.

    :( I am so discouraged! ANOTHER parent I work with got murdered this weekend. When will this stop? I know, I know, BUT I must get this off my chest.:doh: God help her little children!
  5. Leesa

    Happy Easter!

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/gallery/2007/04/05/GA2007040501052.html Peep! Peep! My favorite is Mardi Gras. :D
  6. Leesa


    I just wanted to remind you it is OFFICIALLY apple picking season in New England! That first juicy CRUNCH will remind you why you drove 2 hours into the boonies for fruit. Get your apples early, before they run out. You will be glad you did. Appleesa
  7. Leesa

    Bicycle for BBW?

    I would like to buy a bike to take rides down to the local beach. Does anyone know of a bike that could handle over 350#?
  8. Leesa


    I have a lovely picnic basket and a Yankee Swap to attend. What should I fill it with? Festive holiday things or sweet and yummy things or lots of wine? Any suggestions will really help me decide.