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  1. F

    5 seconds of summer "she looks so perfect"

    http://www.universal-music.de/5-seconds-of-summer/videos/detail/video:337050/she-looks-so-perfect The really good part starts at around 1:30 - I was very surprised when I watched this boy-band-video. Plus: the girl is really a cutie!
  2. F

    Rachel Wiley - "10 Honest Thoughts on Being Loved by a Skinny Boy"

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/26/body-image-projects-women_n_4899201.html Lovelovelove her and her thougts! :bow:
  3. F

    Bamforth postcards

    http://bamforthpostcards.co.uk/ I was searching for kitchen equipment and found that company. Lots of postcards with chubby comic-heroes ;) (btw: that's how I found them: http://www.amazon.de/dp/B008E4A20M/?tag=skimlinks_replacement-20)
  4. F

    Post your favorite christmas cookies recipe

    Yeah, it's that time of the year again. I've already bought new cans, but now I need ideas which cookies I'm going to bake this year. Do you have any proved recipes for me? My favorite are spritz biscuits, but I have no clue where I put the recipe (shame on me)...