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  1. Robin Rocks

    The Sopranos....

    I didn't see a thread for the show so I thought I'd start one. If there is, feel free to merge. I'm so excited about it starting again tomorrow night! I'm sad that it's the last 9 episodes but can't wait to see them. I'm also looking forward to Entourage starting again as well...
  2. Robin Rocks

    Surround Sound Receiver/DVD hook up....

    I'm hoping someone on here is technical enough to help answer a question for me. I had to buy a new dvd player but it doesn't have an optical output on it. I used a digital coaxial cable to plug into my receiver but I get no sound. Is it possible that it will only work if the dvd player has...
  3. Robin Rocks


    Has anyone seen yet or planning to? I just got tix for my daughter and I to see it tonight at the IMax theater.
  4. Robin Rocks

    Freedom Paradise...

    TLC is showing an hour long documentary on Freedom Paradise at 7pm est/6pm cst. ETA: I'm not posting anymore because I'm finally at 69!!!! :D