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  1. SuperSizedAngie

    Expanding Tummy & Hunger Issues

    One thing I've noticed in the past year is that, after stuffing myself so often and for so long, I find myself feeling like I'm starving if I haven't eaten in the past few hours. The more weight I've gained, the more intense the problem becomes. At the moment, there's not really much edible...
  2. SuperSizedAngie

    My personal feelings about my recent weight gain

    I feel myself growing bigger, day by day. Right now I'm gaining at a rate of about a pound every two-three days, a much faster rate than even six months ago. Over the past year and a half, I've gained more than 65lbs, and I don't know when it's going to stop. In the past two weeks, I've busted...
  3. SuperSizedAngie

    Have you ever eaten something and didn't *realize* you were eating it?

    Holy Toledo!!! I just ate an entire box of Oatmeal Cream Pies while I was watching an episode of Frasier without consciously knowing what I was doing. When I was done with the episode, I got up, thinking "Wow, I want some Oatmeal Cream Pies." I went and looked in the cabinet. No Oatmeal...
  4. SuperSizedAngie

    Owwie!!! Dental Pain Isn't Fun

    Eh, unfortunately, I've just found out that I have a tooth that's unhappy with me. It's got the first signs of an infection under the gum. It started hurting yesterday, so I went to the dentist today, and he's prescribed some antibiotics for me to use. I guess eating so much wonderful, tasty...
  5. SuperSizedAngie


    Hi there! I've been in Austin for about 3 years now, and unfortunately, I just don't know that many bbws, bhms, or size-accepting people. I see that some people are trying to organize a dallas meetup, but that's pretty hard to swing using the bus system, LOL! But I also think it might be nice to...
  6. SuperSizedAngie

    When the world isn't made for your weight.....

    Well, like so many other days, I managed to break something on accident with my weight. Except that today it was a bus. I was climbing off one of the city buses, put my foot down on the last step, and just had the whole darn thing give way completely. It snapped in two, causing me to slip...